Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries
It’s time for His vindication, justification and divine support. Part 3. The Trimphal Procession.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
“Spirits in prison” = beni ha elohim of GEN 6:1ff – those fallen angels who were judged and incarcerated in Tartarus when the flood occurred on the earth, Jud 6; 2PE 2:4.
First He went to Paradise, then Tartarus, and then His next trip was from earth to the third heaven.
When Jesus Christ ascended, He was seated at the right hand of God the Father and received his third royal warrant – REV 19:16 And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
“He led captive a host of captives” = the third heaven, the place where our Lord’s triumphal procession terminated.
Resurrection, ascension and session is the manifestation of our Lord’s great victory at the cross.
The ascension was when all the Old Testament saints were transferred from Hades, the area called Paradise, into the third heaven; this is the triumphal procession.
No believer ever permanently resided in heaven until the resurrection and session of TLJC.
The temporary residence for the Old Testament believers was a compartment called Paradise or Abraham’s bosom.
There is an analogy to the triumphal procession with the transfers of all the Old Testament saints from Hades to heaven and the initial distribution of spiritual gifts to the royal family of God.
“Had disarmed” – aor-mid-part – apekduomai = in the middle voice, to disarm or neutralize the enemy.
The angelic forces of evil which are all under Satan’s rule.
“The rulers” – accusative plural – archon = the highest rulers in the angelic armies.
Authorities – ezousia = demon commissioned officers in the demon organization.
COL 2:15 When He had disarmed the archons [the highest rulers in the angelic army] and authorities, or the demon commissioned officers.
While God the Father was canceling our debt on the cross, verse 14, the whole satanic system of fallen angels, superior to man, was also being disarmed and neutralized at the cross.
Satan appealed his first judgment in eternity past and the cross was the place of his second judgment.
He made a public display – aor-act-ind – deigmatizo = iterative aorist, at a certain point of time He began to make a show of them openly.
Deigmatizo = to display the captives.
Having triumphed – aor-act-part – thriambeuo = to lead a triumphal procession or making some kind of a special exhibition.
It also means to celebrate a triumph.
Operation footstool began the triumphal procession in heaven and will conclude with a triumphal procession on earth at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.
A custom in the ancient world after winning a war was to bring the captives back – called a triumphal procession or a march through the city of Rome.
When TLJC was resurrected three days after the cross, He was on the earth for 40 days and then He ascended to the right hand of the Father, MAR 16:19, ACT 2:33; 5:31.
When TLJC arrived in the presence of the Father, He arrived as the “conquering general” and in front of Him during the ascension were Satan and all demons who were in the triumphal procession as captives.
Then the fallen angels went back to their activities because they will be executed at the Second Advent – operation footstool; they will be incarcerated for 1,000 years before their final judgment, REV 20:1-3; ZEC 13:2; JER 10:11.
ZEC 13:2 “And it will come about in that day,” declares the Lord of hosts, “that I will cut off the demon from the land, and they will no longer be remembered; and I will also remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.”
JER 10:11 “The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens.”
All the fallen angels will be placed in Hades until they are thrown into the lake of fire –
REV 20:14 And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.
In the Roman army, the general officer was called an imperium.
When an imperium was victorious, his army lined up and saluted him with a tremendous shout: “Ave imperator!”
The spiritual analogy -TLJC was honored in the third heaven during His session and will be honored as the King of kings and the Lord of lords at the Second Coming.
In the Roman triumphal procession, the highest honor that could be given to an imperator was a triumphus (triumph).
The highest honor which can be given to TLJC is to sit down at the right hand of God as the “King of kings, Lord of lords, the bright morning star.”
ACT 2:33 “Therefore, [Jesus Christ] having been exalted to the right hand of God.”
ACT 5:31 “He is the one whom God has exalted at His right hand as prince and Savior.”
PHI 2:9 “Therefore also, God has highly exalted Him and given Him a title which is above every title, that at the title of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father.”
In the Roman triumphal procession, a triumph always included a procession or a parade.
The first part of the triumphal procession was when TLJC arrived in the presence of the Father as the conquering general and in front of Him were Satan and all the fallen angels as captives.
In this triumphal procession were all the Old Testament saints being transferred from Hades, the area called Paradise, into the third heaven.
The first part of the triumphal procession took place in the spiritual realm.
The second part will take place in the temporal realm and will be seen by all.
In the Roman triumphal procession, the senate had to approve the triumph and vote a sum of money to defray some of the expenses.
God the Father will support His Son Jesus Christ and at the Second Coming there will be a victorious procession to celebrate our Lord’s victory.
On the day appointed for the triumphal procession, the senate declared a holiday and the entire population of Rome came out of their homes and stationed themselves along the streets.
REV 1:7 Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen.
MAT 24:30 And then the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.
In the Roman triumphal procession, the victorious imperator or general assembled his troops outside the gate of triumph and delivered a speech commending his army on their victory. Then, at the end of his speech, he decorated the heroes.
Before our Lord comes back in the Second Coming, He will deliver a speech to the church at the bema seat judgment commending those who were victorious by becoming invisible heroes and spiritual champions.
REV 3:5 Thus the winner shall be clothed in white garments and I will never blot out his title [winner is knighted at the Judgment Seat of Christ] out of the book of life. In fact, I will acknowledge his title in the presence of My Father and before His angels [a formal presentation].
At the end of our Lord’s speech, He will decorate those winners at the bema seat judgment.
Potential rewards include decorations, knighthood, a uniform of glory, a coat of arms, a place in the eternal chivalry, and other rewards.
In the Roman triumphal procession, the highest honor was the corona – “crown” – Latin;
Greek – stephanos = “crown.”
The Crown of Life is awarded for handling undeserved suffering for blessing, JAM 1:12,
REV 2:10.
The Crown of Righteousness is awarded for the perpetuation of spiritual maturity to the point of death or the Rapture, 2TI 4:7-8.
The Crown of Glory is awarded to pastors who faithfully study and communicate Bible doctrine to their congregation, doctrine by which the pastor and some members of the congregation will attain spiritual maturity,1PE 5:1-4.
In the Roman triumphal procession, at the end of his speech and having given out all decorations, he then gave a command and the finance corps distributed to every Roman soldier a large sum of money for his part in the campaign.
Although all winners will not receive the order of the morning star, there will be many believers who are rewarded different crowns and awards given for faithfulness and dedication to the Lord in time.
In the Roman triumphal procession, the general mounted his chariot with four horses and commanded them to fall in.
TLJC will give orders to the church to mount their horses, Rev 19, as the church returns with Christ, 1TH 3:13.
In the Roman triumphal procession, at the gate, the imperator was met by the Roman senators and magistrates of the city.
Every eye will see him and every tongue will confess that He is Lord, REV 1:7-8, PHI 2:10-11.
The senators, magistrates, and counsels walked ahead first, followed by several bands of trumpeters playing the martial music of the day.
Then came that long train of carriages, extending for miles, on which were displayed various pictures of the country that had been conquered. Then followed all the plunder of the campaign.
Next came that flute-playing band, followed by the white bulls which were destined to be offered as sacrifices.
When TLJC comes back, all of the Old Testament saints will be raised from the dead and everyone will be in their own order. The first resurrection is pictured as a battalion pass-in-review – divided into four ranks, 1CO 15:20-24.
1CO 15:23 but each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming,
In the Roman triumphal procession, next came the enemy’s arms, their captured standards, weapons, followed by the leaders of the enemy country and army and members of their family.
First comes the triumphal procession in which all demons are disarmed by TLJC and publicly displayed,
COL 2:15.
Secondly, Satan is imprisoned for one thousand years,
REV 20:1-3.
Then Church-age believers cast demons into prison, ZEC 13:2; 1CO 15:24-25; COL 2:15.
In the Roman triumphal procession, behind the captured enemies came the lictors of the imperator marching in single file.
At the Second Advent, TLJC will present those winners to the entire world as He sets up His Millennial kingdom.
REV 14:14 – TLJC is sitting on the cloud, having a golden crown on His head, and a sharp sickle in His hand.
HEB 1:8 But of the Son He says, “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.”
JOH 19:2 And the soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and arrayed Him in a purple robe;
In the Roman triumphal procession, just as the procession ascended the Capitaline hill, the leaders of the conquered army were pulled out of ranks, taken to the Mamertime dungeon, and brutally slaughtered.
In the Second Coming, all demons are disarmed by Jesus Christ and publicly displayed,
COL 2:15.
Satan is imprisoned for one thousand years,
REV 20:1-3.
Then Church-age believers cast demons into prison, ZEC 13:2; 1CO 15:24-25; COL 2:15.
In the Roman procession, a public banquet was held in honor of the imperator that lasted from six to eight hours.
TLJC is honored at the marriage supper of the Lamb, REV 19:7, 17.
During the course of the banquet, the imperator was given a triumphalis domas – a beautiful mansion, called the house of triumph.
At the same time, he was given a large amount of money from the treasury and a lifetime pension.
There will be maximum spirituality, ISA 65:24.
Israel is restored as a client nation to God, ISA 5:26-30; ZEC 2:28-29.
All the unconditional covenants to Israel are fulfilled, DAN 9:24.
a. Universal peace,
PSA 46:9; ISA 2:4;
HOS 2:18; MIC 4:3.
b. Universal prosperity, PSA 72:7, 16.
c. Perfect world government under Jesus Christ and the royal family, ISA 11:1-2;
ZEC 14:9.
d. Perfect objectivity in the administration of justice, ISA 11:3-5;
PSA 72:12-14.
e. Nature changes radically.
Creation shares the bondage of sin,
ROM 8:19-22, and is released from this bondage.
Isa 35 – flowers abound.
f. There is a population explosion, no death except for capital punishment.