DECEMBER 2005 continues with THE ANGELIC CONFLICT DOCTRINE lessons from our Philippians series as well as other subjects in order by date, (0190) 1386 -1397 with notes and links attached below.
*Some MP3 lessons are not available for the notes. If the link does not bring you to a direct message, it will take you to the related series.

THE ANGELIC CONFLICT. PART 6. THE DEGREES OF RANK AND PRIVILEGE AMONG ELECT ANGELS. JUD 1:8-9; EZE 10:9-13; DAN 7:3-6; ISA 6:1-7; EZE 1:4-14; GEN 3:22-24; REV 7:1-3; 14:6-9; EXO 25:17-22; HEB 9:15; EZE 1

Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 6. The degrees of rank and privilege among elect angels.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Satan, or Lucifer, the son of the morning, the anointed cherub, was created perfect and was the highest ranking angel at that time.

Just like Adam was created perfect and he fell in the Garden of Eden, and anyone who follows God will become greater than Adam, so certain angels were rewarded a higher rank than Satan after his fall in the garden of God.

EZE 28:13 “You were in Eden, the garden of God;”

One of those higher rank angels are called seraphim - angels with 6 wings.

Just like humans, there are also degrees of rank and privilege among elect angels.

When He appeared in the Old Testament, He was called the angel of Jehovah.

The highest ranking ones are called seraphim.
A seraph is an angel with 6 wings. As the highest ranking angels in Heaven, they guard the throne of God, Isa 6.
Next are the cherub ranked angels who have four wings.
Then the cherub angels who have two wings, Exo 25.
The fourth category of angels are the wingless angels.

One of the seraph angels is known as the king of arms who is used to bring special messages and announcements, ISA 6:7.

REV 5:2 - another seraph angel is known as a strong or powerful angel because of the message that he brings forth.
REV 14:15 - the seraphim serve in the administration or the oversight of certain historical events such as the seven last plagues in the Tribulation period.
REV 20:1-3 - there is a seraph with a key to the abyss or bottomless pit who throws Satan into prison.

Wings represent power, speed, and purpose, EZE 10:12.
EZE 17:3 - wings represent speed, swiftness, and ability.
DAN 7:4 - wings represent power, authority, and swiftness.
DAN 7:6 - wings represent being a general in the military.
Isa 6 - seraphim = burning ones; their title speaks of their consuming devotion to God.

ISA 6:6-7 - the seraphim express the holiness of God in rejecting any service performed without cleansing.

The seraphim reveal that the creature must be cleansed before service.

Seraphim appear to be that group of angels who became winners by understanding the righteousness and justice of God (the integrity of God) and the importance of proper motivation or a right thing being done in a right way.

The next rank among angels are the cherubs, lower than the seraph rank.
There are 4 wings in the rank of the cherubs; however, some have 2 wings.

The highest ranking cherub in eternity past was Satan, called the anointed cherub, EZE 28:14.
He was court-martialed, EZE 28:15-19; ISA 14:12-15.

1. EZE 1:4-14; EZE 10:9-10 - the cherubs are the vehicle of divine judgment in the Old Testament.

In the great chariot of fire found in the book of Ezekiel, one cherub was found at each of the wheels, 2SA 22:11;PSA 18:10, Eze 1 and 10.

2. The cherubs who guard the gates of Eden, GEN 3:24.
3. REV 7:1-2 - a cherub commands 4 other wingless angels who control the weather machine of the earth.
4. REV 14:6 - there is a cherub who is in charge of crisis evangelism.

REV 14:8 - a cherub announces the fall of religion during the Tribulation.
REV 14:9 - a cherub warns the human race about the consequences of being converted to the ecumenical religious system.

They were stationed with flaming swords to protect the way to the tree of life so that sinful man could not intrude into God’s presence or presume to partake of the tree of life.

They teach us that sin and paradise are incompatible and that sinful man cannot approach God without the righteousness granted to those who trust Christ, GEN 3:22-24.

Cherubim appear next in connection with the holy of holies or the dwelling place of God in the tabernacle, Exo 25.


The holy of holies was the place where God’s shekinah glory was manifest, and the cherubim are usually related to protecting the throne of God on earth.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 7. Archangels, special messengers, and angelic military leaders: Michael and Gabriel.

Friday, December 2, 2005

Seraphim are noted for their priestly type service to God and proclaiming the glory of God.

They appear to be that group of angels who became winners by understanding the righteousness and justice of God which reveals the integrity of God, and the importance of proper motivation and a right thing being done in a right way.

The cherubim angels are noted for defending the justice and righteousness of God and as vehicles of divine judgment.

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The ark and the mercy seat with its symbolic cherubim were kept in the innermost sanctuary of the tabernacle or the holy or holies.

Unlike seraphim angels, most cherubim are not messengers in their duties.

Their main purpose and activity is to proclaim and protect God’s presence, His sovereignty, and His holiness.
In one sense, they proclaim to men the transcendent and unapproachable God, as in forbidding entrance into paradise, GEN 3:24, and protecting and shading the ark, Exo 25.

In another sense they speak of the revelation of God’s glory to man since they are associated with the visible form of the glory of God, EZE 1:4-28.

Throughout the book of Ezekiel we see the glory of God associated with the cherubim disciplining Israel for sin and rebellion and judging ungodly nations.

Cherubs also intervene on behalf of Israel to bring about the accomplishments of God’s promises to Israel.

Cherubim seem to deal with the holiness of God as being outraged by sin and rebellion whereas seraphim deal with the uncleanness of man as related to God.

They emphasize God’s presence and holiness in their symbolic form upon the mercy seat which is above the lid of the ark of the covenant.

1. The tables of the Law, the Ten commandments, which the Jews disobeyed.
2. Aaron’s rod that budded - a testimony to all of the sins that come from rejecting authority because God used that rod to reveal His authority and power.

LUK 14:18 “I bought a piece of property and need to look it over. Send my regrets.”
LUK 14:19 “I just bought five teams of oxen, and I really need to check them out. Send my regrets.”
LUK 14:20 “I just got married and need to get home to my wife.”

GAL 4:16 Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?

ECC 8:11-12 Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil. Although a sinner does evil a hundred {times} and may lengthen his {life,} still I know that it will be well for those who respect and fear God, who are in awe of Him openly.

Aaron’s rod was the rod that was used for miraculous powers during the plagues of Egypt, which the Jews ended up rejecting the authority of.

3. A golden pot of manna - the wonderful principle of logistical grace and all of the sins that come from rejecting logistical grace support.

When the high-priest would enter once a year to sprinkle the blood of the atonement for sin on the mercy seat, the blood would grant entrance to God and atone for sins, LEV 17:11.

LEV 17:11 For the life of the flesh [the animal] is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.

The cherubim, proclaimers of God’s holiness, would symbolically look down and see the sprinkled blood on the mercy seat covering the sins of the people symbolized by the three items under the lid of the ark.
All of this naturally pointed forward to TLJC who would shed His blood not just to cover sins, but to put them away by the sacrifice of Himself, HEB 9:6-26.

In witnessing the sprinkling of the blood in HEB 9:5 the cherubim of glory were not only protectors of God’s glory, but proclaimers of God’s grace.

Michael and Gabriel are mentioned as archangels in the Bible and special messengers.
Michael commanded the army of angels who defended Israel.
He is called the prince of Israel, DAN 10:21.

EPH 6:12 - special groups of fallen angels are assigned to discrediting and attacking rulers of this world and believers. They not only attack spiritual VIP’s like the apostle Paul, but they also attack anyone in the vicinity of a VIP believer like Timothy with Paul.

“Kings of Persia” = certain fallen angels who are rulers of the cosmos.
He is not talking about the prince or the king of Persia or the prince or the king of Greece; he is talking about the spiritual demonic angelic beings behind those two empires.

Both Persia, made up of current day Iraq and Iran, and Greece had demon rulers over them.

There is warfare in the heavens all of the time, which includes the clash of soldier-type angels.

1. The angelic order of battle begins with our Lord Jesus Christ, the commander and chief of the army of elect angels, under the title of Adonai tsebaah = “the Lord of Hosts.”

2. Second in the angelic order of battle are the archangels or army commanders, and two of them are mentioned in the Bible, Michael and Gabriel.

Extra-biblically (in the book of Enoch), Raphael and Uriel are mentioned as archangels.

In this apocryphal book, Gabriel is mentioned as “one of the chief of all angels placed over all powers.”

Michael commands the army of angels who defend Israel, and for this reason he has an additional title, “the prince of Israel,” DAN 10:21.

Michael also will lead the elect angels into battle as they defend Israel during the Tribulation period according to several prophecies, DAN 12:1, REV 12:7-8.

Gabriel is not only an archangel or army commander, but he is an officer of arms in the angelic college of Heralds. Gabriel was commissioned to explain to Daniel the vision of the Ram and He Goat, Dan 8, and Gabriel was sent to Zechariah to announce the birth of John the Baptist, so he has additional duties.

He is a very unusual angelic creature - he is in both the college of Heralds and the order of battle. Gabriel is not only the army commander (possibly for Gentile client nations) in the angelic order of battle, but he also functions as one of the officers of arms in the angelic college of heralds.

3. The angelic general staff, Rev 4-5, who lead in the worship in heaven.
They are all cherubs.
4. Tseba-oth or the army or troops = there are quite a number of categories among elect angels in this group.
“Hosts” = rank and file angels, all guardian angels, PSA 91:11f. The function of these angelic armies is described in PSA 103:21 as praising the Lord.

PSA 91:11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
PSA 103:21 Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, You who serve Him, doing His will.
PSA 148:2 Praise Him, all His angels, Praise Him all His armies of angels.

When an elect angel announced to the shepherds the birth of our Lord, he is joined by multitudes of heavenly armies praising God, LUK 2:13.
Ministering angels are included in this group, HEB 1:14.

THE ANGELIC CONFLICT. PART 8. WHEN AND HOW THE ANGELIC CONFLICT BEGAN. EPH 6:10-20; 1CO 15:40-42; 2KI 6:15-18; GEN 1:1; JOB 38:1-7; EZE 22:30; LUK 14:18-20; 2TI 3:12; GEN 1:1-2; JER 4:23-26

Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 8. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Point 2. The Existence or the Creation of Rational Creatures.
a. The prehistorical category called angels, PSA 8:4-6; HEB 2:6,7; 2PE 2:11.
b. The historical category called homo sapiens, human beings, mankind.

a. Angels have soul essence and humans have soul essence.

1. The self-consciousness: awareness of our own existence as a creation from God, LUK 1:46.
2. Mentality - what you think.
3. Volition, LUK 12:19.
4. Emotion, LUK 12:19.
5. The conscience: the evaluator of the soul.
The conscience contains the norms and standards, ACT 24:16.

b. All the angels fell at one time and all members of the human race fell as well, ROM 5:12.
c. Adam was created perfect in the garden of Eden, but he fell and now anyone who believes on TLJC actually becomes greater than Adam who was created perfect.

Heylel, Satan, the devil, the son of the morning, the anointed cherub, was created perfect and was the highest ranking angel at that time.

Just like Adam was created perfect and he fell, and anyone who follows God will become greater than Adam, so certain angels were rewarded a higher rank than Satan after his fall - seraphim, angels with 6 wings.

4. Just as members of the human race are rewarded for their faithfulness to TLJC, so the angels were given rewards for living in something similar to our PPOG.

God never has and never will coerce or force angelic or human volition to make choices.

There is a special group of angels who in eternity past made the right possible grace decisions for our Lord.

Angels were apparently created out of light, and are able to move through space at will, and are invisible to the empirical investigation of mankind.
They are superior rational creatures.

Angels = superior rational or intelligent creatures who have existed in the universe for an unknown period of time and have not died.

One of the great sins, especially of the sophomore believer or the adolescent believer, is the distortion of doctrine.

You can perceive and metabolize doctrine and still refuse to apply it, or apply in the wrong way.

One of the biggest difficulties with believers when they get into suffering is that they lose the manliness principle of being courageous.

You cannot be a cry-baby about the past and serve the Lord in the present.

No believer can serve the Lord when he is hamstrung by a guilt complex, or bitterness, or regrets regarding the past.

The very fact that God tells Job to “gird up his loins like a man” reveals that Job was acting like a baby, relying on his morality rather than virtue.

EZE 22:30 “I sought for a man that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.”
1KI 2:2 Be strong therefore and show yourself a man.
2SA 10:12 “Be of good courage and let us play the men for our people”

“Men” - chazaq = a valiant brave soldier.

1CO 16:13 “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

Verses 4-11 - Was Job present at the creation of planet earth?
No, Job was not there.

You are a part of my plan; I am not a part of yours.

PSA 16:2-3 I said to the Lord, “Thou art my Lord; I have no good besides Thee. As for the saints who are in the earth, They are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight.”

LUK 14:18 “I bought a piece of property and need to look it over. Send my regrets.”
LUK 14:19 “I just bought five teams of oxen, and I really need to check them out. Send my regrets.”
LUK 14:20 “I just got married and need to get home to my wife.”

Job was complaining and God’s plan was to bring some adversity into his life whereby Job could glorify Him in the angelic conflict.

“You do not have it made when you are spiritual.”

2TI 3:12 And indeed, all who desire to live godly [eusebos-spiritual] in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

If a person does not know what God is doing it is simply because he does not need to know or he is not oriented to God’s plan.

JOH 13:7 “What I do you do not realize now, but you shall understand hereafter.”
ROM 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and incomprehensible are His ways!


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 9. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began, Part 2.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Point 3. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began.

The angelic conflict began before the creation of the human race.

The revelation concerning the angelic conflict begins with the dateless period between the creation of the heavens and the earth in their perfect form in which they first appeared, GEN 1:1, and the desolating judgments which ended that period, when earth became waste and empty, GEN 1:2.

ROM 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and incomprehensible are His ways!

It is God’s intention that every believer come to understand everything in the Bible, and that is “in time.”
DEU 29:29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may observe all the words of this doctrine.”

Every book in the Bible was written by a human author who understood what he was recording.

Job is about to learn from God that some of the greatest blessings you can have in this life come through suffering, not through prosperity.

Gen 1 is not a record of the creation of the earth, but a record of the restoration of the earth.

JOB 38:7 - when God laid the foundation of the earth all the sons of God, not some, but all the angels shouted for joy because they were undivided at that time.

GEN 1:1 - the universe, the heavens and the earth, were originally created as the domain of the angels.

Along with sin and evil, Satan’s rebellion brought chaos upon the earth.

Without light or heat the raging waters of the deep froze into an ice pack and before the earth could be inhabited again, restoration would be necessary.

“Formless and void” = tohuw waabohuw.

ISA 24:1 Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface, and scatters its inhabitants.

GEN 1:2b “and the Spirit of God began to move over the surface of the waters.”

Man’s occupancy on the earth came long after the creation of the earth.
Man’s occupancy on planet earth did not last too long before Adam and the woman fell, and then Satan became the ruler of the world again.

Eze 28 - where we met Satan in all of his glamour, beauty and glory to understand what the angelic conflict is all about.

PHI 3:1 Finally, my brethren, keep on having inner happiness in the Lord. On the one hand, to be writing the same doctrines to you is not troublesome to me, while on the other hand, it is a safeguard or a basis of security for you.

You do not learn because you hear it once; you learn because you hear it again and again and again.

Inculcation = to press upon the mind through frequent repetition.
It means to indoctrinate or to ingrain.

Repetition of doctrine is the only way of teaching an entire congregation of believers who are at different levels of spiritual growth.
Repetition of doctrine is necessary for converting gnosis (knowledge) into epignosis (wisdom).

Repetition may drive people away, but repetition is the means of tapping into the greatest resources that have ever existed for mankind.
Repetition never bothers the believer who has positive volition toward doctrine.

When you like something repetition does not mean a thing, whether it is your favorite food or beverage or sport, etc.

As long as you have positive volition toward doctrine and you listen carefully and concentrate under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, something new always breaks through.

Whatever we have cultivated in our conscious and subconscious mind and nourished with repetition will one day become a reality.

It is the repetition of that which we truly believe that leads to assurance and conviction.

The king of Tyre was one the few individuals in human history who was possessed by Satan just like the serpent in the garden and Judas Iscariot who betrayed our Lord.

Their bodies are not visible to the human race for the obvious reason of the danger of worshipping angels, COL 2:18, Let no one keep defrauding you or robbing you of your prize [escrow blessings] by delighting in self-abasement [false humility] and the worship of the angels [or the type of worship that the fallen angels promote]taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause [arrogant] by his carnal and fleshly system of thinking,

Satan has the greatest mentality and I.Q.; he is a super-genius with the greatest mind that any creature has ever had - only one mind is more intelligent than his which is made available to creatures and that is “the mind of Christ,” 1CO 2:16, PHI 2:5.

DAN 7:25 And he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One,

Maybe he will use someone of the opposite sex as he did against Samson, JDG 16:16.
Delilah wore down Samson continually.

Diaboloi = to “rip apart;” psychologically Satan tries to tear apart the mind.

1. He creates discord.
2. He breaks up unity.
3. He destroys patterns.
4. He tears the mind apart.
5. He destroys the emotions.
6. He attacks the body.

God offers us the mind of Christ, which is much greater than the greatest mind of all time, Satan’s, and the average believer says “NO thank you!”

THE ANGELIC CONFLICT. PART 10. WHEN AND HOW THE ANGELIC CONFLICT BEGAN, PART 3. EZE 28:11-19; REV 12:9; 13:14; REV 18:23; 19:20; 20:3; PSA 51:5; 58:3; 2CO 11:12-15; 1JO 3:9-10; ROM 9:1-23; PRO 8:13

Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 10. Satan deceives the whole world.

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Point 3. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began.
The revelation concerning the angelic conflict begins with the dateless period between the creation of the heavens and the earth in their perfect form in which they first appeared, GEN 1:1, and the desolating judgments which ended that period, when earth became waste and empty, GEN 1:2.

In the human race, we have different categories like smart and ugly or beautiful and dumb.

First, there is the thought of arrogance.
Then there is the decision of arrogance.
Then there is the action of arrogance.

REV 18:23 - he deceives the world by using a very popular church in Rome.
REV 19:20 - he deceives those who had received the mark of the beast.

The original sin among angelic creatures is like the original sin among human creatures; it occurred as a decision in perfect environment.

1. To be a genius mentally.
2. Physical beauty in some form.
3. Perfect or improved environment.

Degeneracy in any nation, in any society, is merely a manifestation of the fact that people are unhappy.

Happiness comes from truth.
Happiness is a state of mind.

All mankind is born in sin and is sinful and separated from God and therefore incapable of having happiness himself, PSA 51:5; 58:3; 1CO 15:22.

ROM 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
ROM 6:23 For the wages of sin is [spiritual] death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
ROM 5:12 Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned - when Adam sinned

1CO 15:22 in Adam all die
EPH 2:3 - we were by nature children of wrath,

He was created an adult with perfect beauty, with the greatest genius of any creature God ever made, and with perfect environment.

With self-consciousness, he had perfect beauty, perfect brains, in a perfect environment.

Satan had beauty and brains from the start of his life, and he also had authority being the anointed cherub or the Messiah’s angel - but he got tired of being second in charge.

Arrogance promotes ambition, or “inordinate ambition.”
The first sin mentioned in God’s top seven is arrogance, the sin of Satan, PRO 6:16.

They are following the devil’ s pattern - following it perfectly.
“I can do a better job of the universe than God can.”
“Vote for me angels and I’ll give you a better universe!”

The lust for power has its roots in arrogance.
Arrogance is a desire for recognition.

Even in the Garden of Eden, his name nahash, translated “serpent,” means “the shining one.”

a) In the high priest’s breastplate as a manifestation of divine grace.
b) In the New Jerusalem, which reflects the glory of God.
c) As the covering of this great angel, which signalizes the highest of all creation.

“The workmanship of your settings and sockets” = he did not need an instrument to praise and glorify God; he was given a built-in royal crown of praise to praise to his Creator.

In the next verse we seem to pass from the royalty of Satan to his priestly dignity.
“Anointed” = the Messiah’s angel.

The holy mountain of God is the place of His presence in visible glory, where His High Priest would stand before Him to minister,
EXO 4:27, PSA 2:6.

The cherubim were the group of angels related to the throne of God as protectors and defenders of His holiness.

Do not be surprised when you run into someone who is supposed to protect and defend the authority over them, but instead attacks it and discredits it; it started with their father the devil.

“Their father” = John the apostle called Christians under the thinking of Satan, sons [teknons] of the devil, 1JO 3:10.

God placed Satan there knowing that he eventually was going to rebel and start a conspiracy against God.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 11. The origin, the estate, the character, and the sin of the greatest of angels, Satan.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Point 3. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began.

1TI 3:6 “And not a new convert, lest he become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil.”

Trade - rekullah - “slander” = to go about in order to traffic something against someone, or to slander, or to try to destroy someone’s reputation by trafficking gossip and slander.

It indicates that going about among the angels which was necessary for Satan to do to secure their allegiance to his program of rebellion and conspiracy against God.

In this one context God records the origin, the estate, the character, and the sin of the greatest of angels.

He wants us to see the devastating effects of arrogance and pride.

1. Through the degenerating power of sin, Satan, as did Adam, became an entirely different being from that which God created.

2. When God creates a being to fulfill a certain purpose, that being must be a perfect fulfillment of that divine pattern.

3. We need to identify the purpose for which Satan was created and evaluate the qualities which were his in view of that purpose.

4. By his sin, he lost his original holiness and heavenly position, but he retains his wisdom and his beauty, and he has turned his surpassing abilities into ways of evil.

5. Satan’s office was originally to protect the throne of God and to forbid the approach of evil or any unrighteousness.

6. The unrighteousness found in Satan was the sin of independence and self-exaltation.

7. Satan is said to have been upon the Holy Mountain of God as the Anointed Cherub that covereth, and therefore appears to have been the great High Priest of his realm.

8. Satan appears to have been the highest angel and therefore the King over his creation.

9. He was perfect in all his ways, and apparently continued so for a length of time.
10. After the fall of Adam, when no other created being could be found to fulfill this function, the Lord Jesus Christ came forth from the Godhead to become a member of the human race and to fulfill all three functions, prophet, priest, and king.

It was necessary first to put away the iniquity of those who should be saved.

The government which Christ will take upon His shoulders appears to be exactly identical with that which was once committed to Satan, and the original order of things will begin to be restored in Christ’s Millennial kingdom.

Arrogance has to do with thought while pride has to do with action.
Adam was to rule over the creation under the authority of God; in
GEN 1:26, he was told to rule over all the earth.

10. After the fall of Adam, when no other created being could be found to fulfill this function, the Lord Jesus Christ came forth from the Godhead to become a member of the human race and to fulfill all three functions, prophet, priest, and king.

GAL 4:4 But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,

ISA 14:12 “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations!”

EZE 28:15 “You were blameless in your ways From the day you were created, Until unrighteousness was found in you.”

LUK 10:18 “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”

Satan - Satanas = to gossip, to malign, to slander, and to accuse.
Star - heylel - “Lucifer” = the shining one or the star.

ISA 14:12 “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” - NKJ
ISA 14:12 How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! - TLB
ISA 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! - KJV

Lucifer - Latin - “light bearer” = the shining one, the translucent one, the simulating one.
Two creatures are said to throw out light which made them ultra attractive -
Heylel = Satan
Nachash [Gen 3] = serpent.

2CO 11:14-15 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness;

From the middle of the Tribulation period and for the rest of his existence, Satan has to stay on the earth.

He has the greatest mind that any creature has ever had; only one mind is more intelligent than his which is made available to creatures - “the mind of Christ,” Co 2:16, PHI 2:5.

Nations = divine institution number 4, nationalism.
Nationalism = the belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.

The first great attack on nationalism came with the tower of Babel, the first United Nations organization.
1. He divided them by race.
2. He divided them geographically.
3. He divided them linguistically.

“I will ascend into heaven” = the third heaven where God is, 2CO 12:2.
“I will raise my throne or exalt my throne above the stars of God” = the angels; in JOB 38:7, Jud 13, REV 12:3-4, stars are angels.
“I will sit on the mount of the assembly in the recesses of the north” = rulership over the government of the earth, ISA 2:1-4.

Clouds are used to represent the divine presence of God or His glory.
Jehovah appeared in cloud, EXO 16:10.
Jehovah rides upon cloud, PSA 104:3.

THE ANGELIC CONFLICT. PART 12. TWO CATEGORIES OF FALLEN ANGELS. ISA 14:12, 42:8; MAT 12:43-45, 26:52-53; EPH 2:4-9; GEN 6:1-4

Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 12. Two Categories of Fallen Angels.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

ISA 14:12 “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn!”

ISA 14:14 “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

It refers to God as the “possessor of heaven and earth,” GEN 14:18-19.

However, God will not share His glory with anyone.
ISA 42:8 “I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another”

As a part of his strategy to become like the Most High, those under the influence of his false doctrine teach others how to improve human nature while ignoring the new creature created by God.

JOH 18:36 “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting, that I might not be delivered up to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

Because the fall took place on the earth, the Lord Jesus Christ glorified the Father,
JOH 17:4 “I glorified Thee on the earth, having accomplished the work which Thou hast given Me to do.”

Before Satan's fall, there was one will in the universe and that was the will of God.

Why did a holy and righteous God who is all powerful and all knowing allow the fall of Satan and his angels to occur?

1. God is perfect, therefore His plan is perfect and He allowed evil to come into being.

2. Perhaps He allowed angels to sin in order that He might give an explicit example of the wretchedness and degeneration of sin and rebellion.

3. He used the test to gain a group of angels to serve Him from their own free will and personal love.

4. It may have been necessary to allow the fall of angels to finally show the grace of God in the preserving of some angels and in the redemption of unworthy, sinful man who also fell because of Satan.

Point 4. Two Categories of Fallen Angels.

(1) Category 1, The non-operational angels.

(a) The angels of Gen 6 who were involved in the angelic attack to infiltrate the human race who are now incarcerated underneath the ground in a place called Tartarus.

The Hebrew verb laqach means to seize violently, to take by sheer strength, to overpower and seize these women, and in many cases against their will to have sex with them.

From the time of GEN 6:3 to the time of the flood, there would be an elapse of 120 years.

1. Because God is just and the justice of God would never send any creature to the eternal Lake of Fire without ample chance to believe on TLJC.
2. God gave them 120 years to repent, He wouldn't have done that unless there was some way for them to be saved.

Prin - Evangelism would continue 120 years more in the antediluvian civilization before the flood came and destroyed the last opportunity for the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in common and efficacious grace.

The grace policy of God never executes judgment on mankind before every grace opportunity has been given to believe.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 13. The angelic attack to infiltrate the human race in Gen 6.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Point 4. Two Categories of Fallen Angels.
1. The non-operational angels.

a. The angels of Gen 6 who were involved in the angelic attack to infiltrate the human race, now incarcerated underneath the ground in Tartarus.

Paradise- For Old Testament believers only - empty since the resurrection of Christ.

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“The Nephilim” - “Ha nephalim” = the fallen ones, half-human half-demon creatures.

GEN 6:1 Now it came about, when men [ha adam] began to multiply on the face of the land,
“Beni ha elohim” (vs. 2,4) = angels with bodies.
“Ha nephalim” = the progeny of the first two combined; half-human, half-angelic creatures.

Just like there will be a totally different civilization in the Millennium.

“Came in to” - kal future - “bo” = used for sexual relationships.

MAT 22:30 “In the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.”

Verse 1 - the human race - “ha adam” = true humanity.
Verse 2 - beni ha elohim = sons of God, angels with bodies.
We know that from other passages - GEN 6:2,4, JOB 1:6; 2:1, 38:7.

1. Are you going to say all of Seth’s sons were godly and saved and going to heaven and all the daughters of men were not?

A little common sense tells us God does allow godly men to marry antagonistic women and vice-versa.

As the result of their sexual encounter, we have the “ha nephalim,” verse 4, who are the progeny of the first two combined - half-human, half-angelic creatures.

Why were they heroes if they were just members of the human race born from ungodly humans?

These half-human and half-demonic creatures had superb strength and super intellect.
Because of the influence of these creatures, the genetic destruction of true humanity was highly contagious and spreading out throughout the entire world.

HEB 2:14 Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil;

HEB 10:5 Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says, “Sacrifice and offering Thou hast not desired, But a body Thou hast prepared for Me;”


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 14. Satan's attack that nearly destroyed and corrupted the human race.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Point 4. Two Categories of Fallen Angels.
1. The non-operational angels.

a. The angels of Gen 6 who were involved in the angelic attack to infiltrate the human race who are now incarcerated underneath the ground in a place called Tartarus.

G.H. Pember - Earth’s Earliest Ages, p. 135 - “And hence, there sprang up a thick crop of frauds and assignations of open quarrels and violence, till the whole earth was filled with corruption and bloodshed. And yet all this existed side by side with luxury, a refined culture, and a love of art and music.”

Niphal reflexive - nacham - “to be sorry” = to have a change of mind - the exact equivalent of the Greek metanoeo.

This is an anthropopathism, which ascribes to God human feelings, passions, and thoughts which God does not actually possess; e.g., hatred, anger, scorn, benevolence, compassion, longsuffering, and repentance.

Many times in history God has had to judge segments of the human race, and so He changes His policy of grace to a policy of judgment, therefore the Bible says that He repents.

A second anthropopathism is that God was “grieved” when in reality nothing can make God grieve since His omniscience knew all things billions and billions of years before they ever happened.

God’s heart or “right lobe” is an anthropomorphism which ascribes to God a part of human anatomy which God does not possess, in order to express a divine function.

Even though this seems to be almost a victory for Satan, his tactics do not change because he is not overly creative (and unfortunately doesn’t need to be since his tactics prove to be effective time and again, since humans continually fall for the same bait).

Given this lack of creative ability, it is likely that the pre-Adamic times were very similar to those seen in the post-Adamic age.

Following the expulsion of mankind from the Garden of Eden, there was a population explosion that led to a wide range of discoveries and settlement of large areas of land.

When mankind was in its Golden Age, Satan chose to mount an attack that very nearly destroyed the human race, corrupting it so that any chance of salvation from the coming Messiah would be lost.

From a human standpoint, the battle can only be viewed as the proverbial “close call.”

There is also a theory that the sons of God are the male descendants of Seth, while the daughters of men are the female descendants of Cain.

The good sons of God (offspring of Seth) married evil wives (the offspring of Cain).

If both groups were simply human beings with different religious beliefs, how would their offspring be anything other than human beings?

If Moses had aimed to indicate these were the sons of Seth, it would have made a lot more sense for him to have simply written “sons of Seth” instead of “sons of God.”

The rage expressed by God would be excessive if the sins being committed were anything other than extraordinary.

As creations of God, these creatures (like mankind) bear a family relationship in that they were created by God and, therefore, can be viewed in a sense as being his sons.

THE ANGELIC CONFLICT. PART 15. ANGELS IN THE ABYSS: THE FIRST DEMON ASSAULT ARMY OF REV 9. 1TI 2:3-6; HEB 1-2; GEN 6; REV 9; LUK 8:27-33; REV 11:7; 20:1-3; 12:7-12; 2PE 2:4

Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 15. Angels in the abyss: The first demon assault army of Rev 9.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Point 4. Two Categories of Fallen Angels.
1. The non-operational angels.

JUD 1:5-6 Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe. And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

2PE 2:4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment;

a. There are the angels of Gen 6 who were involved in the angelic attack to infiltrate the human race who are now incarcerated underneath the ground in Tartarus.
b. The non-operational angels found in Rev 9.

The first group tried to stop the virgin birth and the Hypostatic Union of the God-Man.

Since the incarnation, our Lord Jesus Christ is both true humanity and undiminished deity in one person forever.

As God He is equal with party of the first part, God the Father. As true humanity, He is equal and superior to all members of the human race.

While Jesus Christ was the Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament, He never really became an angel; He simply appeared as an angel.

Once the Lord came in the flesh in the incarnation, there were no more manifestations of the Angel of Jehovah.

In bypassing the angelic creation, God did a remarkable thing, He prepared the way in eternity for every believer in Jesus Christ to be superior to angels in his resurrection body.

The second category of non-operational angels is the first demon assault army incarcerated in the abyss at this time.

The abyss contains demons who transgressed the boundaries of the human race.

Abaddon is mentioned once in the New Testament and six times in the Old Testament.

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The abyss is the fourth compartment of Hades and is the jail for certain demons who have been incarcerated there because they disobeyed the rules for the angelic conflict in human history.

The Church today is the focal point of invisible warfare and therefore we are required to become invisible heroes.

The abyss, at the present, is the barracks for the first demon assault army under the command of Abaddon (Hebrew) or Apollyon (Greek).

There will be visible heroes among believers; e.g., Moses and Elijah and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists.

When Satan is cast down to the earth, he is going to be permitted to release his three hard-core demon armies.
They will attack human beings physically.

1. Only those in the cosmic system or involved in the world system can be attacked.
2. They cannot kill their victims.

It will be a time of wrath, 1TH 5:9; REV 6:16-17; 11:18; 14:19.
A time of judgment, REV 14:7; 15:4;16:5-17.
A time of indignation, ISA 26:20-21; 34:1-3.
A time of punishment, ISA 24:20-21.

A time of trial, REV 3:10.
A time of trouble, JER 30:7.
A time of destruction, Joel 1:15.
A time of darkness, Joel 2:2; ZEP 1:14-18.

The fifth angel is one of the elect angels who have privileges and authority for glorifying TLJC in the first angelic rebellion.

The star is a reference to Satan who had fallen to the earth in the middle of the Tribulation period.
(a reference to ISA 14:12).

ISA 14:12 “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning,”
LUK 10:18 “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”

“Bottomless” - abussos = the abyss.
“Pit” - noun phrear = a well; the pit of the abyss.

The lower world is thought to increase in size the further it extends from the surface of the earth.

Satan is permitted to release his first demon assault army, and they will torture their targets for five months.

So intense and excruciating is the pain they inflict on believers in the cosmic system and unbelievers, that both believers and unbelievers are going to try to commit suicide but will not be permitted to do so.

Satan does this to his own servants because Satan is an ungrateful master.

Once Satan can no longer use those involved in the cosmic system, he tries to destroy them in his satanic frustration.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 16. Satan is an ungrateful master and tortures his own servants.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Point 4. Two Categories of Fallen Angels.
1. The non-operational angels.

a. The first category of angels - in a place called Tartarus, who reproduced a group of super-creatures called the Nephilim,
Jude 1:5-6, 2PE 2:4.
b. The first demon assault army incarcerated in the abyss at this time.

The abyss is that part of Hades which contains demons who transgressed the boundaries or the rules of the angelic conflict in the human race.

Both “Sheol” and “Hades” are used to refer to anything that is subterranean and large.
They are used for the vast subterranean place of the departed dead of the human race and the abode of certain fallen angels.

Sheol is sometimes used for the grave, GEN 37:35; GEN 42:38; 1SA 2:6.

The dying are said to go to Sheol, which is not the grave, but the underpart of the earth. This is a reference to their soul, NUM 16:30; EZE 31:15, 17.

The abyss is the fourth compartment of Hades and is the jail for certain demons who have been incarcerated there because they disobeyed the rules for the angelic conflict in human history.

Satan is permitted to release his first demon assault army, and they will torture their targets for five months.

Satan does this to his own servants because Satan is an ungrateful master.

The opening is the entrance and the exit for the great underworld prison known as the abyss.

Once Satan is cast out of heaven he sheds all hypocrisy, all self-righteousness; he shows his real colors in pettiness, vindictiveness, and implacability, which are the manifestations of his arrogance.

In this chapter - that phenomenon where arrogance tortures arrogance.

JER 49:16 “As for the terror of you, the arrogance of your heart has deceived you,”

He uses what God has given him to destroy those that have served him against God, both carnal believers and unbelievers.

MAT 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.”
JER 29:13 “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
MAR 12:30 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

If you are in the cosmic system you are the servant [slave] of Satan.

There are two areas where demons are in prison; the first is called Tartarus and there is smoke in Tartarus.
The second is the Abyss and there is smoke in the Abyss.

Darkness - noun zophou - zovfou = black clouds and a mist.

The function of the locust on the one hand and the function of the scorpion on the other hand are the best ways in which in the ancient world it is possible to describe the function of the first demon assault army.

Locusts - akrides = an army of destruction.

The destruction of Nineveh in the book of Nahum is described in terms of the locust plague, NAH 3:15-16.

Locusts invade the land and destroy crops; therefore they are analogous here to the demon army which invades planet earth from the Abyss.

PRO 30:27 The locusts have no king, Yet all of them go out in ranks;

Real locusts are known for laying waste to countrysides all over the world.

Whenever the locusts form up and go into the air, their wings make an awesome sound and they literally darken the sky around them.

For the second time in history, beginning in the middle of the Tribulation, demons are permitted to attack men.

Scorpions - noun skorpioi = belongs to the spider family and is usually 5 or 6 inches long and has a poisonous sting in its tail.
The scorpion sting is a very painful thing and is used in the analogy to torture here.

This is warning before judgment.
Grace precedes judgment.

There is never a judgment which destroys a segment of the human race until first of all that segment of the human race has an opportunity to repent.

Noah preached for 120 years before the flood came.

PSA 76:10 “For the wrath of man shall praise Thee”

They are going to be restricted as to what they can do to their target - made up of people who live in the cosmic system, believers and unbelievers of the Tribulation.

There is an alternative to trying to commit suicide and that is to accept Christ as personal savior, or in the case of believers to rebound and get out of the cosmic system.

Pain can serve as a motivation, but also in some cases pain can make a person a lot worse.

Pain and suffering and adversity either makes us worse or better, but it never leaves us the same.

The wonderful thing about disaster and adversity and pain and difficulty and problems is that it gives us a fantastic opportunity for improvement.

HEB 9:27 “It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.”

I believe that thousands of years after members of the human race are suffering in the lake of fire that if they were offered to believe on TLJC and trust in Him as their Lord Savior, I believe they would still reject Him.

1. The more some people suffer, the more bitter and arrogant and hateful and resentful they become.
2. Satan and the fallen angels - they still rebel against God even after they were given a second trial.

3. When Satan is put in prison for a thousand years, the first thing he does when he gets out of prison is start a human revolt against God.
4. The sin nature gets more and more corrupt as it gets older, EPH 4:22, and all of those in the lake of fire have their old sin nature.

“Loves” - in the present tense = they still do love and practice lying.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 17. To say no to the divine plan of God is to say yes to Satan's plan.

Friday, December 30, 2005

COL 1:16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things have been created by Him and for Him.
EXO 19:5 for all the earth is Mine;

JOB 41:11 Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine.

HAG 2:8 “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,” declares the Lord of hosts.

There are two mandates on this demon army: first, they cannot destroy vegetation.
In addition, they are not permitted to kill their targets, torture only.

ACT 12:23 And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died.

While demons can perform extra-natural and super-natural acts in the environment of planet earth, they cannot control anything on earth apart from divine permission.

1JO 4:4 “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

Those who have the seal of God are those who became saved after the Rapture and during this Tribulation period.

Bond-servants - doulos = those believers who are slaves or servants to God.

There will be certain Tribulational believers who will survive the Tribulation with all of its horrors and historical adversity.

The target is believers and unbelievers in the cosmic system, but there is no permission to attack believers who are living in fellowship with God or protected by the wall of fire.

2TI 2:19 Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness.”

Since these individuals have said “no” to the divine plan of God and therefore yes to the satanic plan, they are now turned over to Satan.

Torture - basanizo = to question by applying torture, to torture, to vex with grievous pains (used of body or mind), to torment, to be harassed, to be distressed.

The wages of serving Satan is torture and misery from his own hand.

Before TLJC comes back, known as the Second Coming or the Second Advent, Satan turns on his own kingdom.

LUK 9:25 For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?

When our Lord returns to the earth, He does not find a thriving world under the rulership of Satan but a kingdom divided - the kingdom of darkness is divided against itself.
MAR 3:24 “And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”

So great is the pain and suffering from this demon assault army that many will seek death but they will never find it.

Only when a believer is in fellowship, learning Bible doctrine, applying that doctrine, executing the plan of God, and fulfilling the mandates of the word of God - does he have any way of coping with adversity.

Good decisions result in great blessing and prosperity.
Bad decisions result in great adversity.

As a result of living in the cosmic system, they will seek as the only solution to their problems the one solution which is not a solution but a total admission of defeat - they will seek suicide.

The Bible condemns suicide, PSA 31:15.

The Millennial reign is about to start; every single unbeliever is going to be removed from the earth by the baptism of fire.

They have hit the bottom as believers and the only decision they can make that will start their recovery is their decision to rebound, or if they are unbelievers, their decision to become a believer.

They are alive because they have volition.

God always provides grace before judgment.
God always provides solutions before the problem.

If we have rejected the answer through our negative perception of Bible doctrine, then obviously nothing is left but to endure the adversity, to rebound, and to begin to make that recovery.

“In those days” is important, because this has absolutely nothing to do with these days or the present time.

Our greatest danger from demons is our residence in the cosmic system under the category of reversionism.

Arrogance cannot endure torture for arrogance is a state of tenseness increasing vulnerability to pain.

The same humility that provides capacity for life and prosperity also provides the ability to withstand pain in time of adversity.

Those living in the cosmic system do not make decisions from a position of strength; they are making decisions from a position of weakness.

Satan is an evil and an unjust ruler, and he turns his first demon assault army on his own human servants.