AUGUST 2006 lessons from our Philippians series with our continuation of SECRET OF THE MYSTERY , as well as other subjects in order by date, (0190) 1465 -1476 with notes and links attached below.
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Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 135. The four dimensions of the PPOG.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Platos - width = unlimited power of the PSD’s.

“Sun” = “with all the saints” - emphasizes equality of all believers of the Church-age.

“Sun” = in the company of, together with, in association with, along with, accompanied by, to sit beside with,
in fellowship with.

EPH 3:18 that you may be able to comprehend or grasp the idea in the presence of all the saints what is “the[to'] breadth [platos] and [kai] length [mekos] and [kai] height [hupsos] and [kai] depth [bathos]”

EPH 3:18 - the four dimensions are all talking about the same thing: God’s plan, will, and purpose for every Church-age believer. These four nouns emphasize the fact that God has provided the means of tactical victory for every believer becoming a winner, an invisible hero, reaching our subject of fulfilling the PPOG for your life.

Breadth - platos - width [TCNT] = the great extent of something.

This function of the defense line of your soul, made up of the ten problem-solving devices which are designed to prevent the outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

The application of this word as it relates to the PPOG = the defense line of your soul, made up of the ten problem-solving devices, designed to prevent the outside pressures of life from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

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EPH 3:18 That you may utilize the power to grasp the idea with all the saints what is the width [the defense line of your soul made up of the ten-problem solving devices].

Length - mekos - greatness or magnitude = the pre-designed plan of God for your life with metabolized doctrine circulating in the soul through the filling of the Spirit. Mekos = knowing the plan of God from the viewpoint of eternity past, the angelic conflict, and dispensationalism.

Height - hupos = execution of the PPOG and reaching the height of supergrace, becoming an invisible hero, and having an impact on those around you.

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It refers to the execution of the PPOG, becoming an invisible hero, the conveyance of escrow blessings for time and eternity, and glorifying God in the historical phase of the prehistoric angelic conflict, therefore reaching the “high ground” of spiritual maturity.

Height/hupsos = the fantastic “spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ,” EPH 1:3, the phenomenal power made available for every Church-age believer, EPH 1:19-20, and our position in Christ and union with Him, EPH 2:4-7.

Height = where the glorification of God in the angelic conflict takes place, in “heavenly places,” EPH 3:10; EPH 6:12.

“Depth” - bathos = our very own portfolio of invisible assets, the fantastic riches of God, the deep things of God, and the spiritual warfare that a believer must be aware of.

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This word is used, REV 2:24, to describe the “deep things of Satan.”

1CO 2:10 For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.

Depth - ROM 11:33, Oh, the depth of the riches of both the wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are His decrees and His ways past finding out!

ROM 11:36, for all things are from the source of Him and through the agency of Him and because of Him. The glory belongs to Him forever. Amen.”

“To know” - aor-act-inf - ginosko = to know, to concentrate on, or to be intimate with someone.
It is literally the love from Christ.

You must understand someone’s love before you can respond to it.

You must learn to look through the exteriors of personalities and see the character of the soul of that individual.

To understand the love from God we need to understand His character.

Surpasses - pres-act-part - huperballo = to surpass, to go beyond, to exceed, or to excel. Present tense = it constantly surpasses, but it does not surpass epignosis (wisdom or metabolized doctrine); it surpasses gnosis (knowledge).

Gnosis is human knowledge.
Epignosis is divine wisdom.

Epi means over and beyond.
Gnosis means knowledge.
“Over and beyond gnosis.”

This passage is not saying that you cannot understand the love of God because it passes knowledge.
It is saying, you can understand the love of Christ through epignosis.

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“Exceeding abundantly” - adverb huperekperissou = beyond all measure or infinitely more than.

Spiritual metabolism leads to supergrace.
Supergrace leads to capacity.
Capacity leads to blessing, and blessing glorifies God.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery. Part 136. The third category of mystery doctrine is the unique equality factor of the Church age.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

A. The baptism of the Spirit and its results pertaining to the angelic conflict.
B. The unique pre-designed plan of God taking its precedence from the dispensation of the Hypostatic union.

C. The unique equality factor of the Church-age.

The unique equality factor has to do with the subject of election and predestination as equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Under the principle of election, God wills His highest and His best for each believer. Under the principle of predestination God has “provided a plan” for the believer to have that highest and best.

Race, sex, I.Q., nationality, economic situation, social status - none of these help or hinder the believer in fulfilling God’s plan for their life.

The help that we all need lies entirely in the divine assets provided by God, and the only hindrance is the believer’s own refusal to learn doctrine and utilize the divine assets made available in the Church-age.

Under the principle of election God made every believer a priest.
The universal priesthood gives every believer equal privilege with every other Church-age believer.

Logistics is the aspect of military science dealing with the support, maintenance, and transportation of military material and personnel.

Logistical grace gives every believer equal opportunity through life support, personal security, and the provisions to learn Bible doctrine.

2CO 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything[logistical grace support and blessing], you may have an abundance for every good of intrinsic value production.

PHI 4:19 “My God shall supply all your needs [logistical grace support] according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

We are commanded not to worry because God, in logistical grace, will provide for us, regardless of our spiritual status.

Fear, worry, anxiety, apprehension is rejection or ignorance of God’s logistical grace provision.

The extent to which you surrender to worry, you increase the power of worry in your life; yet God still keeps you alive.

1. Worry is a mental attitude sin which is self-induced and therefore soulish torment or anxiety regarding anything in life.

2. Worry is a disquieting and painful state of mind involving undue concern over something in life.

Worry separates the believer from his inner resources of grace and cuts off the reception of divine logistics.

You are neither quartered, or supplied or transported, which is the military meaning of logistics.

Quartered - life and residence in the PPOG.
Transported - the filling of the Spirit and walking in the Spirit as you advance in enemy territory, the devil’s world.

Supplied - the divine provision of near grace or greater grace, a supercharger performing the same function as living grace except that the provision is intensified in the advance.

The problem can be easily identified: failure to use the faith rest technique.

3. Worry always anticipates the worst, and so becomes apprehension or anticipation of danger, misfortune, trouble, or uncertainty.

Worry is a state of restlessness and agitation, producing mental disturbance, uneasiness, anxiety, and painful uncertainty.

You cannot afford to be pinned down and you cannot afford to retreat after you have reached the adult stage of the spiritual life, because the fall is great and the misery that follows is self-destructive.

If you retreat, you do not go back to your previous stage of spiritual growth, you are out of fellowship, you are out of the PPOG, you go back to reversionism.

Once you get out into spiritual growth and ultimately spiritual maturity, either you go forward and take the objective, or you retreat into reversionism; you crash and burn.

4. Worry is a destroyer of the soul. If unchecked, it results in mental illness.
5. Worry is a satanic device to lead the believer into reversionism and the sin unto death, EZE 4:15-17; 12:18-19.

Worry is a great weapon in the hands of Satan because the forces of evil take over the soul as a result of worry.

This is why the perpetuation of the function of perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine becomes absolutely necessary to put muscle on your faith, PSA 55:22.

6. Bad news causes worry, JER 49:23ff. Concerning Damascus. “Hamath and Arpad are put to shame, For they have heard bad news; They are disheartened. There is anxiety by the sea, It cannot be calmed.”

7. Worry causes hysteria - LUK 10:41 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things;”

8. People cause worry. People are always worried about other people. Worriers have to have an object, 1SA 10:2.

9. Economic disaster is a cause of worry, JER 42:16.

10. Sin causes worry. People worry about sin which causes guilt, PSA 38:18. Worry is a sin, ROM 14:23b,whatever is not from faith is sin.

11. We are ordered to stop worrying, LUK 12:29, PHI 4:6-7.

LUK 12:29 “And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying.”

12. Worry characterizes reversionism, ISA 57:11.

13. Worry does not solve problems, MAT 6:25-34. Logistical grace offsets worry.
14. Worry distracts from doctrinal teaching, MAT 13:22; LUK 8:14.

15. Blessing from God includes freedom from worry, JER 17:7-8.

The application of verse 34 is that you can so live in the past that you do not live today.

Grace gives you the ability to live one day at a time, not handicapped by the past and not distracted by the future.

Logistical grace emphasizes the principle of living today, and therefore fulfilling the principle of living one day at a time, and each day as unto the Lord.

Under equal privilege, we are given the royal priesthood and placed in union with Christ, and therefore we are all made brand new creatures, “winners and losers.”

Under equal opportunity every believer is given logistical grace and the pre-designed plan with the power of God made available to every believer.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 137. Be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and election.

Friday, August 4, 2006

The third category of mystery doctrine is the unique equality factor of the Church-age called equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Logistical grace = the aspect of military science dealing with the support, maintenance, and transportation of military material and personnel.

1. Worry is a mental attitude sin which is self-induced and therefore soulish torment or anxiety regarding anything in life.
2. Worry is a disquieting and painful state of mind involving undue concern over something in life.

3. Worry always anticipates the worst, and so becomes apprehension or anticipation of danger, misfortune, trouble, or uncertainty.
4. Worry is a destroyer of the soul. If unchecked, it results in mental illness.

5. Worry is a satanic device to lead the believer into reversionism and the sin unto death, EZE 4:15-17; EZE 12:18-19.
6. Bad news causes worry, JER 49:23ff.
7. Worry causes hysteria, LUK 10:41, LUK 10:41.

8. People cause worry. People are always worried about other people because they have to have an object,
1SA 10:2.
9. Economic disaster is a cause of worry, JER 42:16.

10. Sin causes worry. People worry about sin which causes guilt, PSA 38:18.
Worry is a sin, ROM 14:23b.

11. We are ordered to stop worrying, LUK 12:29, PHI 4:6-7.
12. Worry characterizes reversionism, ISA 57:11.
13. Worry does not solve problems, MAT 6:25-34. Logistical grace offsets worry.

14. Worry distracts from doctrinal teaching, MAT 13:22; LUK 8:14.
15. Blessing from God includes freedom from worry, JER 17:7-8.

Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God in eternity past before the universe existed and before mankind lived on the earth.

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Election, foreknowledge, predestination, justification, and glorification are all from the sovereignty of God.
They belong only to the believer, ROM 8:28-30.

EPH 1:4 just as He chose us [elected us] in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him.

Under election, equal privilege is your royal priesthood. Under election, equal opportunity is logistical grace support and blessing for both winners and losers.

“More diligent” - adverb mallon - ma'llon + aor-act-imp - spoudasate - spoudavsate.
Mallon = more than or much more.
Spoudasate = making every effort, doing one’s best, being eager or motivated.

With the adverb mallon it means “being motivated even more.”

2TI 2:15 Study to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.

Spoudazo = to be eager and motivated about something and therefore applying oneself to a task with diligence. This is what many of you do on a daily basis.

Spoudazo = to be serious about something, being busy at doing something, paying attention to something, being zealous and eager. The most common meaning of spoudazo is “to do one’s best.”

The motivation comes from being “aware” of the PPOG, the angelic conflict, the distribution of your fantastic blessings, etc.

“Make” - pres-mid-inf - poieisthai - poiei'sqai = to make, to produce, to work, to accomplish, to perform.

MAT 5:16 “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
EPH 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

1TI 5:10 having a reputation for good works; she has shown hospitality to strangers, she has washed the saints’ feet, she has assisted those in distress, {and} she has devoted herself to every good work.

EPH 4:12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service,

COL 1:10 so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
2TI 2:21 Therefore, if a man cleanses himself from these things [cosmic involvement], he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

MAT 16:27 “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and will then recompense every man according to his deeds.”

It is the sovereign will of God that all believers are motivated by two doctrines that are mentioned in verse 10.

“Calling” = accusative singular direct object - klesin = calling, invitation, or a legal summons.

Man has three systems of perception whereby he can perceive and understand things:
1} Rationalism
2} Empiricism
3} Faith

The one system of perception which he can take absolutely no credit for is faith!
The merit of faith is in the object.

The spiritually dead person can make legitimate decisions to listen to the gospel and believe in Jesus Christ, but these positive decisions which originate from spiritual death have no ability apart from the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

This is called pre-salvation grace or common grace.

a. Common grace, in which the Gospel is presented and made understandable to all, Titus 2:11.
b. The divine call, in which the personal invitation to believe on TLJC is given to the hearers.
c. Efficacious grace, in which the unbeliever’s faith is made effectual.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 138. The work of the Holy Spirit in equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

A. The baptism of the Spirit and its results pertaining to the angelic conflict.
B. The unique pre-designed plan of God taking its precedence from the dispensation of the Hypostatic union.
C. The unique equality factor of the Church-age.

The unique equality factor has to do with the subject of election and predestination as equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Under the principle of election, God wills His highest and His best for each believer.
Under the principle of predestination, God has “provided a plan” for the believer to have that highest and best.

Race, sex, I.Q., nationality, economic situation, social status, none of these help or hinder the believer in fulfilling God’s plan for their life.

Under election, equal privilege is your royal priesthood. Under election, equal opportunity is logistical grace support and blessing for both winners and losers.

Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God in eternity past before the universe existed and before mankind lived on the earth.

Election is used for believers only, EPH 1:4.

Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God for your life whereas predestination is the provision of the sovereign will of God for your life.

Not only do you have a magnificent destiny under predestination or the PPOG, but you also have the same privileges and opportunities as all other believers for the execution of that plan.

Under election, equal privilege is your royal priesthood and equal opportunity is logistical grace support and blessing for both winners and losers.

1TH 1:4 “Knowing, brethren, beloved of God, His election for you.”

COL 3:12 “As elected ones of God, holy and beloved, put on the affections of grace compassion.”

“Holy” = both the absolute and relative concept of experiential sanctification.
“Blameless before Him” = ultimate sanctification in the eternal state.

1. There is common grace, the work of the Holy Spirit in making the Gospel understandable.

2. There is the call of God, which is the invitation of God the Father through the Holy Spirit to believe in Christ.

3. There is efficacious grace, the work of the Holy Spirit in making faith in Jesus Christ effective for eternal salvation.

2PE 1:10 Therefore, brethren, be motivated even more to make certain about His calling and election;

ROM 11:29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
God does not revoke His call because He knows that some will not respond.

Common grace, in which the Holy Spirit makes the Gospel understandable.
The divine call, which is the invitation of God the Father to believe in TLJC.
Efficacious grace, which is the Holy Spirit making faith alone in Jesus Christ effective for salvation.

There is an acceptance that takes place before salvation, but that acceptance is accepting the information that God the Holy Spirit has presented concerning TLJC and how to be saved.

If a person receives the information, he still does not have the faith to believe; therefore God the Holy Spirit takes the faith of the spiritually dead person and makes it effectual.

JOH 1:12 But as many as received Him [the information concerning TLJC], to them He gave the right to become [in the future] children of God, {even} to those who believe in His name,

You are to accept the information that God the Holy Spirit makes understandable to you.

EPH 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that [grace, salvation, faith] not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

The spiritual death of mankind makes it necessary for the grace of God to function on our behalf.

1. Spiritual death at birth which is total depravity, total separation from God, and total helplessness.
2. Because mankind is born dichotomous - he has a physical body and a soul.

JUD 1:19 These [unbelievers] are the ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, “not having a human spirit.”

“Worldly minded” - adjective psuchikoi = “soulish-persons” or an unbeliever only.
TCNT - “they are animal and unspiritual.”

The spiritual death of the unbeliever, as a dichotomous being with an old sin nature, makes perception of the Gospel totally impossible.
JOB 32:8 But it is a spirit in man [the human spirit], and the Spirit of the Almighty [God the Holy Spirit] gives them understanding [perception].

ROM 8:16 The Spirit Himself [God the Holy Spirit] bears witness with our spirit [human spirit] that we are children of God.

JOH 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water [word] and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

PHM 1:25 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

At the moment we personally believe in TLJC, God the Holy Spirit actually creates a human spirit or a “pneuma.”

Soul life is human life.
Eternal life is God’s life.
“He who has the Son has the life,” 1JO 5:12.

In that act of grace, the Holy Spirit functions as a human spirit when we hear the gospel message.
This is “common grace.”

First, there is a restraint on total depravity so that the human race does not self-destruct under two categories: moral degeneracy and immoral degeneracy.

Violence is commanded in the Quran -
Surah 9:5 “Fight and slay the pagans (infidels) wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.”

In Mohammed’s teaching and in the Hadith -
Allah hath commanded me to fight against the Christians, the Jews, and the pagans until they submit to Islam or be killed.

“Do not make friends with the Jews and Christians” (Surah 5:51).

Surah 2:190-192 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, for Allah loveth not transgressors. Kill them wherever ye catch them.

Surah 9:123 Fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
Surah 48:29 Be harsh with unbelievers, the Christians, the Jews, the Atheist neighbors and colleagues.

First, there is a restraint on total depravity so that the human race does not self-destruct under two categories: moral degeneracy and immoral degeneracy.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

Motivation and progressive changes from equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

C. We are now noting the third category of mystery doctrine which is the unique equality factor of the Church-age called equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Under election, equal privilege is your royal priesthood.
Under election, equal opportunity is logistical grace support and blessing for both winners and losers.

Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God in eternity past before the universe existed and before mankind lived on the earth.

1. There is a restraint on total depravity so that the human race does not self-destruct under two categories: moral degeneracy and immoral degeneracy.

Moral degeneracy is found in such areas like terrorism where they are very moral and told that if they kill Christians or Jews they will have 70 virgins waiting for them in heaven.

1. There is a restraint on total depravity so that the human race does not self-destruct under two categories: moral degeneracy and immoral degeneracy.

2. There is common grace - the ministry of the Holy Spirit in revealing the Gospel to the unbeliever.

“Common grace” recognizes the inability of the spiritually dead person to understand the Gospel.

1CO 1:18 For the doctrine pertaining to the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

In the function of common grace, the Holy Spirit acts as a human spirit so that those who are spiritually dead may be enlightened on one subject only, the Gospel.

In common grace, the unbeliever provides non-meritorious hearing.

Once understood, the next step in the invitation is from God the Father; He invites you through your understanding of the Gospel, to believe in Christ.

2PE 1:10 Therefore, brethren, be motivated even more to make certain about His calling and election;

a. The invitation of God the Father to believe in Jesus Christ.
b. The election of the believer which is the reason for equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Motivation and progressive changes are two principles that go together.

They can move from “drug stimulation” or “lust stimulation” or “alcohol stimulation” but none of these have fulfilling gratification.

Don’t procrastinate - there’s no time to lose.

Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor and boring life, and poverty as your permanent house-guest.

They are usually guilty of inordinate ambition, desiring a lot but not willing to pay the price.

They are usually guilty of inordinate competition, filled with envy and jealousy instead of taking advantage of their equal privilege and equal opportunity.

MAT 7:16 “You will know them by their fruits.”
MAT 7:18 “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.”

Self-justification, self-deception, and self-absorption. ISA 44:20 He feeds on ashes; a deceived heart has turned him aside. And he cannot deliver himself, nor say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”

These mental attitude sins include arrogance, pride, jealousy, implacability, bitterness, vindictiveness, inordinate ambition and inordinate competition, all motivational sins, and sinful thoughts such as fear, guilt, worry, anger, judging, hatred, even murder.

1. Arrogance is the antithesis of grace, the total blindness to the grace of God.

Arrogance is synonymous with vanity, which is empty pride in regard to one’s person, attainments, or possessions coupled with an excessive desire to be noticed, a lust for attention, lust for approval or praise from others.

JER 49:16 “As for the terror of you, The arrogance of your heart has deceived you.”

2. Pride is defined by inordinate self-esteem, conceit, and a pre-occupation with self.
Pride also means rejection of authority.

We call him Satan or the devil but his original name was “son of the morning,” Heylel.
He was the first creature to enter into this sin.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 140. Mental attitude sins destroy the benefits of our equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

C. The unique equality factor of the Church-age called equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Your mental attitude is so important because that is where you develop your proper motivation, and it is also where you do most of your sinning.

If you understand our subject of equal privilege and equal opportunity, this should give you motivation and produce progressive changes in your life.

Many people lack motivation because they have nothing in the soul to make life interesting.

1. Arrogance is the antithesis of grace, the total blindness to the grace of God.

Arrogance is synonymous with vanity, which is empty pride in regard to one’s person, attainments, or possessions coupled with an excessive desire to be noticed, a lust for attention, lust for approval or praise from others.

Arrogance deceives its victim, JER 49:16.
Arrogance will bring dishonor in your life, PRO 11:2.
Arrogance will cause self-destruction, PRO 16:18.

2. Pride = inordinate self-esteem, conceit, and a pre-occupation with self.
Pride also means rejection of authority.

3. Jealousy is older than the human race because jealousy existed in eternity past when Lucifer, the son of the morning, became jealous of God. The first case of jealousy in the human race surfaced when Cain became jealous of his brother Abel.

Scripture describes jealousy as cruel;
SOS 8:6; filled with anger and revenge; PRO 6:34; and frustrating, PRO 27:4.

Jealousy is a self-destructive mental attitude and a system of thinking from the kosmos or the world system.

Jealousy will always create instability and disorder in the life of the believer.

Jealousy is self-destructive - JOB 5:2 “For jealousy slays the foolish man”

The “stone” in this passage is overt jealousy and anger; the “sand” is subtle jealousy.

So great was the sin of jealousy in Israel that a special offering was made for it, NUM 5:11-31.
It is very difficult to get over jealousy.

4. Implacability.
Have you ever been around an implacable person, one who is impossible to please or satisfy?

The aim of life is appreciation.

I would rather be able to appreciate things that I cannot have than to have things I am not able to appreciate.

So many people are so caught up in their own goals that they forget to appreciate their journey, especially the graciousness and the love of people that they meet along the way.

Paul said one of the signs of the last days is the fact that people would be ungrateful, 2TI 3:2.

Appreciation of life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being alive, on this planet, can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle.

5. Bitterness. Every believer who does not have a personal relationship with God eventually will become a walking bombshell ready to explode at any moment.

Bitterness is severity of temper, biting sarcasm, a painful inward affliction, and a deep distress of mind.

HEB 12:15 See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled;

COL 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and do not be embittered against them.

JOB 7:11 “Therefore, I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.”

JOB 10:1 “I loathe my own life; I will give full vent to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.”

PSA 73:21-22 When my heart was filled with bitterness, And I was pierced within, Then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like an animal before Thee.

ECC 7:26 And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.

6. Vindictiveness.

Vindictive people are obsessed with seeking revenge.

Vindictiveness is marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt and be spiteful.

Vindictive people have a disposition to retaliate for wrongs, real or imagined.

Their impulse is to try to inflict suffering or punishment as retribution for evil or an injury, real or imagined.

ISA 3:9 The expression of their faces bears witness against them. And they display their sin like Sodom[openly]; They do not {even} conceal {it.} Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves.

One writer states, “In the sex war, thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male, vindictiveness of the female.”

HEB 10:30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge His people.”


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 141. Dealing with the mental attitude of inordinate ambition and inordinate competition, fear, guilt, worry, anger, judging, and hatred.

Friday, August 18, 2006

1. Arrogance is the antithesis of grace, the total blindness to the grace of God.
2. Pride = inordinate self-esteem, conceit, and a pre-occupation with self as well as rejection of authority.

3. Jealousy is cruel, filled with anger and revenge, and very frustrating.
4. Implacability which is found in those impossible to please or satisfy.

5. Bitterness - severity of temper, biting sarcasm, a painful inward affliction, and a deep distress of mind.
6. Vindictiveness which is where revenge sets in.
7. Inordinate ambition and inordinate competition.

2CO 10:12 Their trouble is that they are only comparing themselves with each other and measuring themselves against their own little ideas. What stupidity! - TLB

8. Fear is a whole system of sins which include worry, anxiety, insecurity, incapability of doctrinal application, and therefore inability to use the problem-solving devices.

For the believer who lives in a state of fear, the fear increases like a disease.

As the cancer of fear increases, that individual becomes intimidated by life.

9. Guilt. Satan accuses God’s people to try to make them feel guilty, REV 12:10, so they hide from God and separate themselves from Him, GEN 3:7-10.

Do not be distracted by past failures, except to learn from them, but not to blame others for them.

Our spiritual life instructs us to forget the past and move toward the high ground of spiritual maturity.

Past failures must never become present handicaps.

The essential element for living in freedom from guilt is understanding grace.

If we do not realize that God’s justice and righteousness are completely satisfied and our relationship with Him is based upon the accomplishments of the cross, then guilt will torment us until it drives us from the presence of the Lord, GEN 3:10.

10. Worry is a mental attitude sin in which there is soulish torment or anxiety regarding anything in life.

It is a disquieting and painful state of mind involving undue concern over something in life.

Worried people anticipate the worst, and so worry becomes apprehension or anticipation of danger, misfortune, trouble, or uncertainty.

Worry is a state of restlessness and agitation, producing mental disturbance, uneasiness, foreboding, anxiety, and painful uncertainty.

Worry is a destroyer of the soul. If unchecked, it results in mental illness.

Worry in the mind causes shock to the body, PRO 12:25.

PRO 3:21-23, Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life; don’t for a minute lose sight of them. They’ll keep your soul alive and well, they’ll keep you fit and attractive. You’ll travel safely, you’ll neither tire nor trip.

PRO 3:24-26, You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry, you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep. No need to panic over alarms or surprises, or predictions that doomsday’s just around the corner. Because GOD will be right there with you; He’ll keep you safe and sound.

Worry weighs us down whereas encouragement picks us up.

PSA 38:18 For I confess my iniquity; I am full of anxiety because of my sin.
ROM 14:23 whatever is not from faith is sin.
LUK 12:29 And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying.

11. Anger is a mental attitude sin which expresses antagonism, hatred, exasperation, resentment, irrationality.

Anger motivates jealousy and cruelty, PRO 27:4. A person can’t be angry without being cruel and unfair.

ECC 7:9 “Do not be hasty to be angry in your right lobe; for anger resides in the bosom of fools.”

Anger results in self-induced misery, PRO 22:8.

12. Judging. MAT 7:1-3 “Judge not, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged. And with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you again.”

13. Hatred. 1JO 4:20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar;

Life is too short to hate anyone and if you hate anyone, this verse says you do not love God.

Hatred is self-punishment. It the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.
Hatred is the madness of the heart. It is the anger of the weak.

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.

Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.
Hatred is a boomerang which is sure to hit you harder than the one at whom you throw it.

14. Murder. 1JO 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 142. The madness and blindness and confusion of heart that comes from rejecting doctrine and ignoring your equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Arrogance; Pride; Jealousy; Implacability; Bitterness; Vindictiveness; Inordinate ambition and competition; Fear; Guilt; Worry; Anger.

One out of every six people have mental problems.

Many believers have mental problems because they have rejected the plan of God and are controlled by what they observe in the cosmic system.

DEU 28:28 “The Lord will afflict you with [shigaon] madness and with blindness [blackout of the soul] and with confusion of heart [split personality].”
DEU 28:34 “And you shall be driven mad [shigaon] by the sight of what you see.”

Shigaon - originally used by Moses to describe the Exodus generation.
Shaga = to be insane, to be psychotic.

MAT 13:22 - they hear the word, and the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

MAT 6:24 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon or possessions, riches, or wealth.

LUK 12:15 Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not {even} when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.

2TI 2:4 No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.
1JO 2:15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Adversity put great pressure on the Jews constantly, but instead of applying the problem-solving devices, they converted the adversity into stress in their souls.

The inside pressure of stress in the soul combined with the functions of the sin nature to destroy the spiritual life of these believers in the face of the greatest Bible teaching ever to exist in the Old Testament.

Shigaon or a deceived mental attitude took over the lives of these Jewish believers, the psychotic generation.

The Lord permitted the outside pressure of adversity for their spiritual growth, but without Bible doctrine, they took that adversity and converted it into stress in the soul, driving themselves insane.

JOH 6:66 As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew, and were not walking with Him anymore.

1. Withdrawal is an act of reversing or turning in the opposite way, or a state of being so turned.
2. Withdrawal is the act of reverting to a former state, habit, belief, or practice.
3. Withdrawal is also a reversal of your priorities, your attitudes, your affections.

Inside the cosmic system you completely change your personality.

4. The process of withdrawal begins with exploding within by yielding to the temptations of the sin nature and the different lust patterns of the flesh.

Unchecked = self-justification and the evasion of 1JO 1:9, the doctrine of rebound and recovery.

5. Withdrawal is the status of the believer who fails to execute the PPOG for the Church-age.
6. Withdrawal is maximum control of the old sin nature over the life of the believer.
7. Withdrawal is lack of spiritual growth, failure to attain the three stages of spiritual adulthood.

8. Withdrawal is the believer’s retrogression because of negative volition toward the mystery doctrine of the Church-age, which both defines and reveals God’s plan, will, and purpose for your life.

9. Withdrawal is characterized by negative volition to doctrine, being influenced by evil, and results in perpetual carnality causing a life of perpetual discipline.
10. Withdrawal is a technical theological term used for rejecting absolute truth, and drawing into your mind or accepting relative truth.

While the carnal believer can still be positive toward doctrine and faithful in using 1JO 1:9, the withdrawing believer is negative toward doctrine, and has entered the vacuum of the soul.

It takes only a moment to recover completely from carnality by the use of 1JO 1:9, but it takes years to recover from withdrawal.

1CO 15:33 Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good morals.

PSA 1:1 How blessed [happy] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or those influenced by evil.

PRO 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery. Part 143. The execution of your equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

DEU 28:1-14 - many blessings come from PVTD.
There is a list of curses, DEU 28:16-27, for those who reject God’s word or Bible doctrine.

Shigaon - originally used by Moses to describe the Exodus generation.
Shaga = to be insane, to be psychotic.

The Jews rejected the teaching of Moses just like many individuals reject the teaching of their pastor today.

MAT 13:22 - they hear the word, and the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

MAT 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon or possessions, riches, or wealth.”

LUK 12:15 “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not {even} when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.”

2TI 2:4 No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.
1JO 2:15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Adversity put great pressure on the Jews constantly, but instead of applying the problem-solving devices, they converted the adversity into stress in their souls.

The inside pressure of stress in the soul combined with the functions of the sin nature to destroy the spiritual life of these believers in the face of the greatest Bible teaching ever to exist in the Old Testament.

Shigaon or a deceived mental attitude took over the lives of these Jewish believers, the psychotic generation.

The Lord permitted the outside pressure of adversity for their spiritual growth, but without Bible doctrine they took that adversity and converted it into stress in the soul, driving themselves insane.

JOH 6:66 As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew, and were not walking with Him anymore.
1CO 15:33 Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good morals.

PSA 1:1 How blessed [happy] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [those influenced by evil].
PRO 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.

The problem among many believers = there is no longer any spiritual motivation in life and they do not take advantage of their equal privilege and equal opportunity.

People do not enjoy what they are doing, be it their job, their business, their social life, their married life, and even their “so-called” spiritual life.

In the Korean war many American prisoners “gave up” and died in the prison camps because they had no motive to live under disastrous situations.

Lack of motivation causes people to quit in life and even die in some cases.

In the spiritual realm, proper motivation comes from the heart being moved or stirred up through doctrine.

Their love for the Lord motivated them to contribute to the place where He would be worshipped.

TIT 3:14 And let our {people} also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful.
1TI 6:17 Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.

DEU 8:18 “But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth,”

MAR 10:23 “How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!”

God’s laws of prosperity require us to trust in Him instead of trusting in riches. The world’s way is to trust in material assets and to continually try to accumulate more of them.

Close observation of people who have more money than they can spend shows they do not find any lasting satisfaction from their wealth.

ECC 5:10 He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance {with its} income. This too is vanity.

True satisfaction can only be found deep within ourselves, not in any external worldly possessions.

“Money has never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one. If it satisfies one want, it doubles and triples that want in other ways.”


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery, Part 144. The proper mental attitude to take advantage of your equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

In the spiritual realm, proper motivation comes from the heart being moved or stirred up through doctrine.

Their love for the Lord motivated them to contribute to the place where He would be worshipped.

PSA 40:8 “I delight to do Thy will, O my God; your doctrine is within my heart.”
PRO 16:2 “All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, But the Lord weighs the motives.”

PHI 1:17 “The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment.”

JAM 4:3 “You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend {it} on your pleasures.”

TIT 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men,
TIT 2:12 instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,

2CO 5:14 For the love for Christ motivates us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died;

PHM 1:14 “But without your consent I did not want to do anything, that your goodness should not be as it were by compulsion, but of your own free will.”

Overt disaster is not present as of yet, but in the meantime, people find themselves without proper motivation.

As a substitute for motivation they accept some form of human stimulation.

A person who loves his job, who enjoys what he is doing, always has a better social life because motivation from one factor overflows into motivation in other factors.

When people enjoy their job, enjoy life, enjoy what they are doing in life, when people have a wonderful spiritual life, then they are going to have a wonderful social life, business life, etc.

ECC 9:9 Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your passing life which [woman] He [God] has given to you under the sun [in this life]; for this is your reward in life, and [enjoy life] in your work in which you have labored under the sun.

They are going to have that great character trait, “contentment” which is the basis for all happiness.

They are miserable, critical, judgmental, scared about the present and even more fearful of the future.

Because they have no motivation and no progressive changes in their life.

One of the definitions of a zombie is a “will-less” person!
No goals....
No aims....
No purposes....
No visions, etc.

PRO 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps Your law [in the New Testament, your doctrine].

We are not talking about “zeal” without knowledge, that kind of motivation; we are talking about motivation with a strong foundation.

Our subject calls for “spiritual enthusiasm” which will carry you in time of disaster as you take advantage of your equal privileges and equal opportunities.

Most of the good times people have.... “do not carry them in times of disaster.”

It is the word of God and occupation with TLJC that motivates and sustains the believer in time of disaster.

2PE 1:10 Therefore, brethren, be motivated even more to make certain about His calling and election;

He took out all the obstacles related to our status, race, IQ, etc and created a level playing field for everyone.

The pastor teacher is responsible in his gift to point out and potentially remove obstacles that impact believers from the execution of their equal privilege and equal opportunity.

If a local assembly is subject to gossip, jealousy, conspiracy, etc., the “equal privilege, equal opportunity” is in jeopardy, as the mature believer in the assembly may be able to deal with it, while the new spiritually immature believer is at risk because he is now in a place where the playing field is unleveled.

The inability of a pastor to deal with these issues in a congregation contributes to de-emphasis of the work on the cross.

a. Refusing to hear the teaching of the word of God on a consistent basis, which is sin,
HEB 10:25-26, called sinning willfully.

b. Hearing the teaching of Bible doctrine but refusing to metabolize it: the failure to convert gnosis [knowledge] into epignosis [wisdom].
c. Metabolizing doctrine so that it exists in the soul but refusing to apply it when necessary.

1. There is the accumulation of scar tissue formed in the soul.
2. Withdrawal occurs resulting in the accumulation of trash or garbage in the soul.

“Affirm” - pres-mid-ind - marturomai = to give a solemn warning to those not growing up spiritually.

2TI 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;
2TI 4:2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

Middle voice - the apostle Paul is the one giving the warning, but in reality it comes from the Lord.
Indicative mood - this was a reality in Ephesus; they were not growing up spiritually and feeding the new nature within.

“Mataiotei” = aimlessness, emptiness, vanity.

Being darkened - perf-mid-part - eskotismenoi = to receive darkness; it describes spiritual incapacity.

“Excluded from” - perf-mid-part - apellotriomenoi = not to participate in what they belong to.

“Hardness” - porosin = callousness, dullness, stubbornness, hardness; it refers to scar tissue in the soul.

“Having become callous” - perf-mid-part - apelgekotes = to cease to feel, to become apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, and unresponsive toward the things of God.

“Have given themselves over” - aor-act-ind - paredokin = to betray oneself.

Sensuality - aselgeia = shamelessness, greediness, and pure self-enjoyment.

Practice - ergasian = to make a business or a profession.

Greediness - pleonexia = a search for happiness in spite of the negative consequences and the outright disobedience.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery. Part 145. Beware of Idolatry which blinds you from taking advantage of your equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Friday, August 25, 2006

a. Refusing to hear the teaching of the word of God on a consistent basis, which is sin, HEB 10:25-26, called sinning willfully.

b. Hearing the teaching of Bible doctrine but refusing to metabolize it; hence, the failure to convert gnosis [knowledge] into epignosis [wisdom], HEB 4:2.

c. Metabolizing doctrine so that it exists in the soul but refusing to apply it when necessary, JAM 1:22-25.

1. The accumulation of scar tissue formed in the soul.
2. Withdrawal occurs resulting in the accumulation of trash or garbage in the soul.

When a believer has too much garbage or trash in the soul and maximum scar tissue of the soul, that believer is extremely vulnerable to the function of his old sin nature, and he enters into a state of confusion.

This state of confusion overflows from the cosmos diabolicus [the devil’s world system], so that the thinking of the believer involved cannot be distinguished from the thinking of the human viewpoint of the unbeliever.

We are hindered continually by these three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil.

The world attacks us through people and presents to us temptations on every side to try to discourage us from following the plan of God and frustrate our pursuit of seeking the things above and setting our mind on those things, COL 3:1.

GAL 5:17 The flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.

If we overcome the world and the flesh, we will get personal attention from Satan and the kingdom of darkness which will try to destroy our fellowship with God, EPH 6:12.

His schemes are innumerable; nothing but omniscience can guard us against them, and nothing but omnipotence can enable us to have victory over him.

Application of doctrine is the only way to handle people. When believers have too much garbage in the soul and maximum scar tissue of the soul, there is nothing you can do to satisfy them.

From the emotional complex of sins, such a believer may become irrational and confused.

From the arrogance complex of sins, such a believer becomes bitter, implacable, jealous, vindictive, and self-righteous.

Implacable believers must still be treated in grace. Beware that you do not lose your own integrity or spiritual strength in interacting with such persons.

When we talk about shigaon and the mental disorder that believers fall into, we need to note how the Jews in the Old Testament entered into idolatry.

1. The worship of a physical object or objects as God.
2. Inordinate attachment or extreme devotion to something or someone.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The secret of the mystery. Part 146. Conspiracy designed to hinder your equal privilege and equal opportunity.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

People and distractions can hinder the believer from the execution of their equal privilege and equal opportunity and making their calling and election a spiritual reality.

Why did the Holy Spirit choose to record this genealogy for us?

Moses is the son of Levi, and the son of Kohath. Moses and Korah were first cousins.

Moses and Aaron were brothers and their first cousin was Korah.

JOH 4:44 For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.

As far as he is concerned, he grew up with Moses and he is just as qualified to do the same job.

He grew up with Aaron and Miriam, Moses’ sister, and he considered himself superior to them.

Took - Qal imperfect - laqach = to take over or to gain over.

His associates were Dathan and Abiram.
“On” ended up backing out, so there were three of them.

In Num 14, Moses warned the congregation of Israel against going out to the promise land, and they turned against Moses; the people went out anyway and were then defeated by the Amorites.

These are the type of people who can easily be swayed in a conspiracy: bitter people, failures, and losers.

Rose up - Qal kal future - qum = to rise up against, or to stand up to someone.

Men of renown = these were men with good personalities or men of distinction or as one translation says, “men of note.”

They were into approbation lust and power lust.

In Numbers, they did establish compatibility on the basis of personality.

They did not want freedom because freedom demands responsibility.

Just like today, many believers do not want freedom and liberty and privacy and grace; it’s too much pressure.

These were people who listened to Moses, but frankly they were looking for an excuse to reject his message.

1. You have gone far enough - we’ve had it with you.
2. “For all the congregation are holy” = we are just as good as you.

In a conspiracy there are always those who are jealous, covetous, envious, and lustful of what the victim of their conspiracy has.

3. The Lord is in our midst; we don’t need you; the Lord is with us also.

If God wanted Moses removed all He would have to do is remove Him.

When God does something, it is always a right thing in a right way.

4. “Why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?” = “You make yourself higher than others; you’re unapproachable.”

He is referring specifically to the 250 princes, but he is applying it in his subtle way to everyone.

He is deceiving people and using them for personal gain.

He is getting as many individuals involved in this as he can, so that the conspiracy will have some credibility and believability.

Once you get people involved in a conspiracy through whatever means possible, like lying, gossip, judging, defamation of character, etc.

1. You give the conspiracy some credibility and believability.
2. You bully people into supporting something that is evil without them even knowing it.

3. You put them in a position of supporting the conspiracy, which is very difficult for them to get out of, unless they make some drastic decisions.

4. You cause them to get involved with the evil behind the conspiracy, which can be used in the future to keep them committed to the conspiracy, as well.

“Communication does not mean defense, rather it means to rest our case by stating the truth through facts and appealing to the supreme court of heaven.”