FEBRUARY 2006 continues with THE ANGELIC CONFLICT DOCTRINE lessons from our Philippians series as well as other subjects in order by date, (0190) 1411 -1419 with notes and links attached below.
*Some MP3 lessons are not available for the notes. If the link does not bring you to a direct message, it will take you to the related series.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 31. The mystery behind the passing of the sentence in eternity past and the execution of that sentence.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Point 7. The Courtroom Trial of the Angelic Conflict.
It was inevitable that Satan would do whatever he could to appeal the sentence and at the same time attack and malign the character of God.

The first mention principle is that principle by which God indicates in the first mention of a subject, the truth with which that subject stands connected in the mind of God.

The subtlety of Satan, GEN 3:1.

Expect subtlety almost every time you meet him, 2CO 11:3.
In the beginning he attacked Eve.
In Mat 4 we see him testing the Lord.

This is in direct opposition of the word of God, and all through the Bible Satan’s business is opposing the word of God.

He probably argued, “How can a loving God put His own creatures into the lake of fire forever?”

The fact that an appeal was filed with God is presumed from the lapse of time between the sentence of fallen angels, MAT 25:41, in eternity past, and the execution of that sentence at the termination of human history,REV 20:10.

MAT 25:41 Then He will also say to those on His left, “Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;”

REV 20:10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

DEU 29:29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever”

Between the passing of the sentence in eternity past and the execution of that sentence at the end of the Millennium and the Gog revolution, an appeal trial is occurring in human history.

Human history is not only coterminous with the appeal trial of Satan and his fallen angels, but human history is the actual courtroom for that trial, and mankind was created to be a part of that trial.

There is the formal presentation of the case: the prosecution presents its case, followed by the defense presenting its case.

Next is the rebuttal phase: the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan].

Finally comes the closing argument and summary: first by the prosecution [God] and then by the defense [Satan].

The trial phase begins with the fall of man in the garden and continues until the beginning of the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union.

The fall of man in the garden of Eden actually duplicates the fall of Satan in the garden of God.
Both falls occurred during perfect environment.

God created man as a rational creature lower than angels, duplicating at a reduced scale, the conditions of the prehistoric angelic conflict.

He tried to make the woman conscious of the forbidden as though God had held back so much.

With the fall of Adam, Satan became the ruler of planet earth from which position Satan provides the defense in the historical appeal trial of all fallen angels, 2CO 4:4.

**23** Eze 28 - Satan led all the angels in worship toward God on planet earth.

The human race provides evidence, arguments, and precedents in the appeal trial - whether winners or losers.

God entered His evidence by creating man just as the angels were created: innocent (or perfect) with the potential to love and worship God through right decisions and the potential to become imperfect by wrong decisions.

Satan had been created in perfect innocence; Adam was created in perfect innocence.
The angels have free will; man has free will.
Adam freely and deliberately chose to follow the pattern of arrogance with characterized Satan’s original revolution, ISA 14:12-14.

The rebellion of Satan in the garden of God resulted in the fall of all angelic creatures.
The rebellion of Adam in the garden of Eden resulted in the fall of mankind, ROM 5:12.

In angelic history, God had provided a decision making process by which angels could express non-meritorious positive volition. This is why we have elect and fallen angels.

The Bible seems to reveal some sort of reconciliation for angels, COL 1:20, PHI 2:10, HEB 2:2.

Likewise, God provided salvation for all mankind so that man can express non-meritorious positive volition through faith in Christ, JOH 3:16.

Through the exercise of their free will, angelic creatures are divided into two categories: elect and fallen angels;REV 12:7, 1TI 5:21, MAT 25:41, MAR 8:38.

Through the exercise of their free will mankind is divided into two categories, believers and unbelievers, JOH 3:36.

Next is the rebuttal phase: the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan].

The rebuttal phase of the prosecution is coterminous with the two Christocentric dispensations: the hypostatic union and the Church-age.

There are only two dispensations or periods of time in human history where deity indwelt humanity or Christ lives inside of man, the dispensation of the hypostatic union and the Church-age.

These two dispensations or periods of time are when God presents His case and reveals His justice and righteousness and love.

Our Lord and the invisible heroes of the Church-age are the main witnesses for the prosecution.

Legitimate evidence is based on two or three witnesses being interrogated independently and agreeing to their testimony.

Is God just or unjust?
Has God been fair with His creatures?
How can a loving God cast His creatures in the lake if fire?

In Jewish law, in a church court and in the Supreme court of heaven, the laws of evidence demand investigation of each accusation based on two or three witnesses being interrogated independently and agreeing to their testimony.

NUM 35:30 If anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death at the evidence of witnesses, but no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness.

DEU 17:6 On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness.

The two witnesses in the appeal trial of the angelic conflict are the humanity of Christ, where God lives inside of a man and the Church-age believer, the only dispensation where God again lives inside of man.

The third group of witnesses could be Christian marriage, any Old Testament saint who became a winner, Tribulational winners and Millennial winners.

REV 20:11-15 - all unbelievers have two witnesses against them.

The first set of books are records of every good deed every member of the human race has ever done, all adding up to -R.

The second set of books = the book of life, a book that at one time contained the names of every member of the human race under the principle of the unlimited atonement, but names are blotted out when someone rejects Christ as Savior.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 32. The most important phase of all in the angelic conflict.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

The terminology of our United States jurisprudence system or court system provides analogies for the appeal trial of Satan and this angelic conflict.

1. There is the formal presentation of the case: the prosecution presents its case, followed by the defense presenting its case.
2. The rebuttal phase: the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan].
3. The closing argument and summary: first by the prosecution [God] and then by the defense [Satan].

The formal presentation of Satan’s appeal trial corresponds to Old Testament history. This phase begins with the fall of man in the garden and continues until the beginning of the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union.

Next is the rebuttal phase: the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan].

The rebuttal phase of the prosecution is coterminous with the two Christocentric dispensations: the hypostatic union and the Church-age.

His justice is revealed by His fairness in dealing with the fall of mankind and by judging sin.

His righteousness is revealed by the fact that He was willing to forsake His own Son while judging sin.

His love is revealed by the fact that He offered salvation to anyone who would believe upon TLJC.

The third group of witnesses could either be Christian marriage, any Old Testament saint who became a winner, Tribulational winners, and Millennial winners.

The chief witness in all of human history is the humanity of Jesus Christ in hypostatic union.
Our Lord is the strategic witness.

Strategic = He came up with strategy to defeat Satan and executed that plan magnificently and defeated Satan.

The other witnesses are the invisible heroes, those believers who execute the PPOG in the Church-age.
Mature believers are classified as tactical witnesses.

Tactical = we do the same or something similar but in lesser form.
Tactical: relating to combat tactics involving actions or means of less magnitude than those of strategy.

Our Lord accomplished the strategic victory of the angelic conflict through His salvation ministry on the cross plus His physical death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

The believer accomplishes the tactical victory of the angelic conflict through his advance to spiritual maturity in the PPOG; at this point he becomes an invisible hero.

The Church-age is the most important phase of all in the angelic conflict, outside of the dispensation of the hypostatic union.

ROM 9:15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.

Emphasized in your soul should be the fact that every believer is a part of the PPOG and every believer has equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute God’s plan.

A fantastic doctrine like this not only explains why we are really here, but it also should provide for you a personal sense of destiny.

In the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution, who is God, we have the witness of our Lord in the dispensation of the hypostatic union and the witness of every believer, pro or con, in the Church-age.

Evidence testing is Satan’s cross-examination of every witness presented by God in the historical trial of all fallen angels.

Evidence testing is Satan’s attempt, through his cross-examination of suffering, to discredit those believers who attain spiritual maturity.

a. The relationship to the plan of God test is illustrated by our Lord Jesus Christ, MAT 4:1-11.
b. The relationship to life test is illustrated by Job.

The formal presentation of the case: the prosecution presents its case, followed by the defense presenting its case, Old Testament history.

The rebuttal phase:
the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan].

Satan as the defense attorney for the fallen angels presents his rebuttal argument for the defense in the Tribulation.

All of Satan’s rebuttal arguments come in the form of violence and anti-Semitism.

The third and final phase of the trial, the closing arguments and summary of the prosecution, includes the Second Advent and the Millennial rule of Christ.

1TH 3:13 so that He may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.

The closing arguments and summary include the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ on earth.
This is a time of 1000 years of perfect environment on the earth.

1. Prehistoric perfect environment which occurred and existed prior to Satan’s fall and the angelic revolution.
2. When man was created to duplicate the same conditions, perfect environment was provided on the earth.
3. In the last 1000 years of human history, there will be perfect environment.

There will be world peace.
It will be a fantastic time of inner happiness and joy.

The kingdom will be characterized by glory.
It will be a kingdom manifested by holiness.
The King will personally minister to every need so that there will be the fullness of “comfort.”
There will be the administration of perfect justice.

There will be the most fantastic teaching ministry of God the H.S.
There will be direct instruction from TLJC as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The original curse placed upon creation in GEN 2:17-19 will be removed!
There will be abundant productivity to the earth; even the animal creation will be changed.

Sickness will be removed.
The ministry of the King as the healer will be seen throughout the Millennium so sickness and even death will be removed, the exception being “death” in dealing with criminal sin or capital punishment.

All of the deformed are healed as well; if they were deformed at the time of the Second Advent they will experience a total healing.
There will be no social, political, or religious oppression.
There will not be the tragedies of mental illness or of infant deaths.
The earth’s population will soar and there will be sex.

Children will be born to the believers who began the Millennium; they will have a sin nature and therefore need salvation.
There will exist a perfect economic system in which the needs of men are abundantly provided for.
There will be an increase of solar and lunar light.
The increased light probably is a major cause of the increased productivity of the earth.

There will be a unified language.
The language barriers will be removed so that there can be free social intercourse.
All the world will unite in the worship of God and God’s presence will be experienced as never before.

There will be perfect weather.
Even though perfect conditions exist, at the end of the Millennium, there is a final revolution.
From these three areas of perfect environment, we learn that rational creatures, including angelic and humans, are no better off in perfect environment than in any other environment.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 33. Angels and humans, are no better off in perfect environment than in any other environment.

Friday, February 3, 2006

In the angelic conflict, there is, first of all, the formal presentation of the case: the prosecution [God] presents His case, followed by the defense [Satan and the fallen angels] presenting their side.

Next is the rebuttal phase: the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God, bringing to the witness stand TLJC and winner believers of the Church-age] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan - cross examining those witnesses].

The third and final phase of the trial, the closing arguments and summary of the prosecution, includes the Second Advent and the Millennial rule of Christ.

The Second Advent is the second time TLJC comes down on earth as a member of the human race and He returns with the Church-age believers, the Royal Family of God with special emphasis on invisible heroes, 1TH 3:13; REV 19:7-14.

The closing arguments and summary also include the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ on earth.
This is a time of 1000 years of perfect environment on the earth.

1. Prehistoric perfect environment which occurred and existed prior to Satan’s fall and the angelic revolution, Eze 28.
2. When man was created to duplicate the same conditions, perfect environment was provided on the earth, Gen 2-3.
3. In the last 1000 years of human history, there will be perfect environment, and yet even though perfect conditions exist, at the end of the Millennium, there is a final revolution, Rev 20.

From these three areas of perfect environment, we learn that rational creatures including angelic and humans, are no better off in perfect environment than in any other environment.

Bible doctrine in the soul is what gives a person happiness.

Satan cannot interfere or interrupt this argument of the prosecution called perfect environment because he is incarcerated during the Millennium.

The closing argument and summary of Satan in the appeal trial of the angelic conflict occurs at the end of the Millennium when Satan is released from his prison.

Satan’s closing argument is the Gog revolution at the end of the Millennium.

In the garden of Eden, Satan came in the form of a serpent; it was demon possession of an animal.

Satan did not attack the man, the one who was in charge. If he had, it would have been no contest.

1CO 11:3 But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.

Starting with her and then using her as the agent to attack the one in authority was the easiest way to go.

No one knows better than Satan the dynamic power of arrogance.
ISA 14:14 “I will make myself like the Most High.”

Immediately she became spiritually dead, and as a spiritually dead person she discovered that she was not as smart as God but rather she discovered how smart God was.

Adam must make a choice, fellowship with Jesus Christ in the garden or fellowship with the woman in spiritual death.

More than one third of the angels made a decision to follow Satan - not as much a decision for Satan as it was for what Satan thought - “Let me choose my will over God’s will!”

One of the main differences is the fact we are confined to one place, planet earth, in order that all angelic creatures can sit in the stands and watch how members of the human race respond or react to the plan of God.

Satan made an appeal and God in His grace granted that appeal and a trial - that is why we are here and we are a part of that trial.

ROM 9:20 On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it?

When Satan revolted against God in prehistoric times all of the angels were created beings from the hand of God and therefore they were all perfect.

When Satan first entered the picture with mankind, he found two perfect people; Adam and the woman were created perfect.

Satan is released from his prison and he goes through the land and he is visible.

Criminals who retain their arrogance do not change by serving a prison sentence.

The real purpose of prison is to isolate a criminal from the general public and that is where Satan has been.

The first advent of Satan is found in GEN 3:1-15, where Satan came to perfect environment and destroyed it.

In Satan’s second advent, REV 20:7-8, the same thing is true.

In both advents, Satan alleges to improve perfect environment; and to do that, he has to lie a lot.

So he lies, he distorts, and he uses the system of flattery in order to appeal to the arrogance of individuals!

The implacability and dissatisfaction of the human race is phenomenal at this time and so Satan alleges to improve perfect environment.

Part of Satan’s cosmic philosophy includes the idea of improving man’s environment by eliminating the weak and unfit from society.

The end of history, like the beginning of history, will demonstrate man’s need for relationship with God through faith in Christ.

No matter where you put certain people and what you give them, they are never going to change!

Evil always closes down one’s options in life.

Whenever you find revolution or conspiracy, you will always find that a few shrewd or evil people have deceived a whole lot of gullible or naive people.

Because of the perfect environment of the Millennial reign of Christ, Satan must use his greatest genius, his deception, his lies, to awaken dissatisfaction.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 34. The mystery behind perfect environment.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

First of all, the formal presentation of the case: the prosecution [God] presents His case, followed by the defense [Satan and the fallen angels] presenting their side.

Next is the rebuttal phase: the rebuttal arguments of the prosecution [God, bringing to the witness stand TLJC and winner believers of the Church-age] followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense [Satan cross-examining those witnesses].

Third and final phase of the trial: the closing arguments and summary of the prosecution includes the Second Advent and the Millennial rule of Christ.

LUK 3:38 Adam was the first one to be called the son of God.

While Satan is a genius he has not learned the simplest lesson of society - the power of God is infinitely greater than the power of man or any angelic creature.

MAT 5:45 “for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

Even when God is judging the unbeliever, He is treating him in grace; judgment by pain is the perfect illustration.

Grace directed toward the unbeliever in judgment by pain, and toward the human race in general in judgment by death, is absolutely phenomenal.

Instead of judgment by pain, it is warning by perfect environment.

Yet they reject the gospel; they absolutely refuse to believe in Jesus Christ who is not only ruling the world at that time, but in the First Advent went to the cross and was judged for their sins.

2PE 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

It will be one of the greatest manifestations of total depravity and evil: man’s rejection and distortion of the grace of God.

As in the case of the prehistoric angelic conflict so it is in human history; certain creatures are not content to live under perfect rulership and a perfect plan.

Our Lord’s rulership was rejected by certain angels, REV 12:4-8.
His rulership is rejected by believers in the Church-age who reject His perfect plan just like His rulership will be rejected in the Millennium, REV 20:7-8.

No capacity in the Millennium for the perfect environment will be just like our original parents, Adam and the woman who had absolutely no capacity.

The best environment in all of history occurs at the time of the Millennial reign of Christ and there will be a tremendous revolution against it.

At the end of the Millennium when Satan is released after serving a 1,000 year prison term, he leads a conspiracy against Christ.
It is called the Gog and Magog revolution in Rev 20.

This revolution demonstrates the fact that mankind, like the angels before him, is never satisfied apart from that capacity of life that comes from regeneration and spiritual living, i.e. the capacity of the mature believer.

Improved environment,
Better environment,
Perfect environment,
is not the solution to man’s problems.

The carnal believer of the Church-age and the unbeliever of the Millennial reign of Christ have one thing in common, an arrogance which destroys capacity for life.

It is far better to be living historically during our Lord’s rule of the Church than to be a human being during the Millennium.

There is no problem too great for the divine provisions of the Church-age.

1. No matter what mankind possesses, he cannot be satisfied without a personal relationship with TLJC.
2. Believers can use B.D. and remain faithful even in prosperity.

The fact that man has 1,000 years of perfect environment and he revolts against perfect environment is a demonstration of the principle that environment is not the solution to man’s problems.

MAR 8:36 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?”

Satan seeks to overthrow the rule of Christ by violence because he cannot meet the wonderful administration of our Lord’s rulership over the world.

A member of the human race, TLJC, has done what Satan could not do - rule the earth and bring glory to God.

MAR 4:24 “Take care what you listen to.”
LUK 8:18 “Therefore take care how you listen;”

ISA 11:3 “He will not judge by what His eyes see, Nor make a decision by what His ears hear;”
JOH 7:24 “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

His goal is to lead all believers astray from the real plan of God.
Satanic deception is so powerful because it offers so much obvious and outward proof.

MAT 22:29 “You are deceived, not understanding the scriptures, or the power of God.”


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 35. The reason for the continuation of the universe, angels, and the human race.

Thursday, February 9, 2006

They not only reject Christ as Savior in a perfect environment, but they end up being deceived once again by the great deceiver, his majesty the devil.

The fact that man has 1,000 years of perfect environment, and revolts against perfect environment, is a demonstration of the principle that the happiness you have right now is the same happiness you would have in perfect environment.

During the Millennium there is no military establishment, ISA 2:4, HOS 2:18, MIC 4:3, PSA 46:9.

ISA 2:4 And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.

HOS 2:18 “In that day [Millennium] I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land, And will make them lie down in safety.”

This is parallel to the nation of Israel when they became the first client nation to God, and they were leaving Egypt and were threatened at the Red Sea.

The threat to Israel was the best organized armored force of the day, Pharaoh’s chariot army who were very well-trained.

From the human viewpoint, this is a sudden disaster and a hopeless situation.

As the Lord did for Israel, that is exactly what is going to happen in Rev 20, the Lord will do the fighting.
When you are in a hopeless situation that is when you need to think.

1SA 17:47 “And that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.”

ROM 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
HEB 1:3 He upholds all things by the word of His power.

The continuation of the universe and all of its creatures and the stable state of the atmosphere depends on the omnipotence and immutability of Jesus Christ, COL 1:17; HEB 1:3.

Even when TLJC was a baby He was still God holding the universe together, HEB 10:5.

Even on the cross, TLJC was holding the universe together so that He could suffer in His humanity for the sins of the entire world.

The universe with its matter, energy, and operating laws of God will not always exist as it does at the present time, 2PE 3:10-12; REV 21:1.

By the word of His power, Jesus Christ holds the universe together, HEB 1:3.
MAT 28:20 “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
HEB 13:5 “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,”

Jesus Christ is holding the universe together to resolve the angelic conflict in human history and to bring many sons into glory, HEB 2:10.

The Lord Jesus Christ is holding the universe together in order to allow grace, which began with the Holy Spirit radiating heat over the ice pack, to run its full course until He destroys the universe by nuclear fission at the end of history.

Someday the universe will be destroyed, but the word of God will survive the destruction of the universe, as will the believer in resurrection body, HEB 12:26-28.

1PE 1:25 But the word of the Lord abides forever. “And this is the word which was preached to you.”
MAT 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away.”

A miracle is an event that contradicts known scientific laws and is thought to be due to supernatural causes, especially an act of God.

LUK 8:25 “He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?
He controls the sea, JOB 26:10, PSA 33:7.
He controls the storms, PSA 65:7, PSA 107:29.

He controls the wind, PSA 148:8; MAR 4:39.
He controls the rain, GEN 7:4.
He controls the thunder and hail, EXO 9:33.

He tells the snow to come upon the earth, JOB 37:6.
He makes the lightning, JER 10:13.

MAT 10:29-30 “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And {yet} not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”

Superior numbers are inconsequential against God’s plan and God’s people.

LEV 26:8 five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword.

Absolute truth and/or Bible doctrine is right whether one person believes it or a million.

Well-armed by Satan and possessing over-whelming numbers, the revolutionary army has great confidence in Satan and the fact that they outnumber believers in the Millennium.

The power of arrogance is always greater than the power of prosperity.

Arrogance demands power.

Once again our Lord in His infinite perfection and righteousness uses violence to stop violence forever.

It is a place of unspeakable misery indicated by the term, “everlasting fire,” MAT 25:41.
It is a place where the worm [human conscience] never dies and the fire is never quenched, MAR 9:44.

It is a place where fire is unquenchable, LUK 3:17.
It is called a furnace of fire, MAT 13:42.
MAR 9:49 “For everyone will be salted with fire.”

REV 14:11 “the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever and they have no rest day or night”


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 36. The final part of the appeal trial is the verdict and the sentence being executed.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Point 7. The Courtroom Trial of the Angelic Conflict.
While the world has been without weapons for a thousand years, the evil genius of Satan is quick to arm and organize this revolutionary army.

Millions of unbelievers who have enjoyed the benefits of blessing and prosperity and perfect environment are looking for a leader like Satan around whom they can rally around and express their discontent and their rejection of the whole thing.

The power of arrogance is always greater than the power of prosperity.
Arrogance demands power.

The noisy gong or the clanging cymbal means to become an empty, meaningless noise.

A believer speaking out of fellowship is like a noisy gong which was used by peddlers in the ancient world to attract attention to their merchandise.

The clanging symbol analogy refers to the fact that professional mourners in the ancient world would draw attention to themselves by their loud noise.

Patient - makrothumei = suggests not merely willingness to wait a long time, or endurance of suffering without giving way, but endurance of injuries without retaliation.

Makrothumei or patience = poise and self-control where you are able to handle suffering, hostility, provocation, and unjust treatment.

Patience is stability of mentality under unjust treatment.
Patience also gives you the ability to make good decisions under provocation and unjust treatment.

Patience = you have personal control of your life so you do not surrender your happiness because of someone who has been antagonistic toward you.

Kind - chresteuomai = to show oneself useful, to perform acts of kindness, to have integrity, to have moral, honest, and artistic values.

Pres-mid-ind = impersonal unconditional love causes an individual to perform gracious acts.

Jealous - pres-act-ind - zeloo = to be envious, jealous, to strive, to be resentful and spiteful.

Brag - perpereuetai = to boast, to brag; one who is talkative, an exaggerator.

In Classical Greek this word was used for those constantly asserting themselves and having an obsession with criticizing and wounding others with aggressive words.

Phusioo = to be inflated, puffed up, conceited, to put on airs or to pretend.

It is well said that you can spot a gentlemen not by the way he addresses his king but by the way he address servants.

Aschemonei = to behave indecently, disgracefully, to act improperly or unfairly.

In the O.T., in the Septuagint, it is used in DEU 25:3 to disgrace others publicly, or to publicly humiliate.

Love not only does not seek that which does not belong to it; it is prepared to give up for the sake of others even what it is entitled to.

Provoked - paroxuno = to arouse and provoke to wrath, to irritate, to make angry.

It does not keep a private file of personal grievances that can be used at the proper time.

This type of love will cause you to give up resentment, excuse a guilty party, release others from payment, forget an offense, never bringing it up again, not even to discuss it.

Love does not enjoy endless discussions about what is wrong with the churches and institutions we serve.

Love will join with others in rejoicing over the truth.

Love does not seek to make itself distinctive by tracking down and pointing out what is wrong; it gladly sinks its own identity to rejoice with others at what is right.

Bears all things - stegei = to cover with silence, to put a roof over something or someone, “it keeps all things confidential.”

Believes all things = not that it is gullible, but it prefers to be generous in its openmindedness and acceptance rather than suspicious or cynical.

LUK 7:47 “For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.”

Fails - pres-act-ind - ekpipto = it never quits, it never becomes inefficient, it never loses.

The two great dictators of the Tribulation, the beast dictator who is the ruler of the revived Roman empire and the dictator of Israel known as the false prophet, are the first occupants of the lake of fire.

We have a strange trio: the unholy Trinity, Satan, the beast, and the false prophet.
We have a representative of two racial categories: Jews and Gentiles.

The first dictator, the beast, is a Gentile.
The false prophet is a Jew.

The beast is a political dictator of the revived Roman empire and the religious leader of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation.
The false prophet is a political dictator of Israel during the Tribulation and a religious leader of revived Judaism in the Tribulation.

MAR 8:36-37 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Prayers for the dead began around the year 300 AD, but it is not found in the Bible.
The Doctrine of Purgatory was established by Gregory I in 593 AD, but it is not found in the Bible -
HEB 9:27 it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,

The final part of the appeal trial is the verdict and the sentence being executed.

Planet earth and the universe used for the courtroom is destroyed.


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 37. The Strategic victory of the Angelic Conflict.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict.
Point 1. Definition.
The angelic conflict is the result of prehistoric creatures being in opposition to God, which began with the fall of Satan and continued until all angelic creatures had made a decision for or against God.

Point 2. The Existence of Rational Creatures.
There are only two categories of rational creatures, angels and humans.

Point 3. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began.
The angelic conflict began after the creation of the earth and before the creation of the human race.

Point 4. The Two Categories of Fallen Angels Under the Command of Satan.
There are operational angels and non-operational angels.

Point 5. Demon attacks during the Church age.
During the Church-age, demon attacks on the unbeliever are limited to two categories: demon possession or demon influence, and on believers demon influence only.

Point 6. The Satanic Plan for Offensive Action in Human History.
Point 7. The Courtroom Trial of the Angelic Conflict.

Point 8. The Strategic Victory of the Angelic Conflict.
The strategic victory of the angelic conflict in human history is our Lord’s humanity being judged for our sins on the cross.

Having cancelled -
aor-act-part - ezaleipho = to blot out, to cancel, to erase, to eradicate, or to wipe out.

It has the connotation of someone holding an IOU against you and putting a lot of pressure on you as well.

He had to ezaleipho it, blot it out, cancel it, erase it, eradicate it, or obliterate it.
Aorist tense = that point of time when the entire debt was totally wiped out which was at the cross.

A phenomenal pressure has been removed by the grace of God.

TLJC cancelled the debt for the entire human race and Satan hates that.

God is SOVEREIGNTY, but before He can do what He sovereignly wills His justice must be satisfied.

God is perfect RIGHTEOUSNESS, and He can have fellowship with anyone who is perfectly righteous, and the justice of God provides perfect righteousness to anyone who believes on TLJC.

God is OMNIPOTENT; He has the power to do whatever He wants to do for us, but before He can use that power His justice has to be satisfied; the cross satisfied His justice.

God is OMNISCIENT, and He uses His omniscience to know every problem and difficulty we would ever have, and He also knows the solutions to those problems; however He can not use those solutions unless His justice is satisfied.

God is IMMUTABILITY; He cannot change, therefore He could never have fellowship with a sinner unless His justice did something about it.

God is LOVE, but He cannot express that love in totality unless His justice is satisfied.
God is VERACITY or truth, but He can never give that truth to us unless His justice is satisfied with us.

God is OMNIPRESENCE, but even though He is with us always, He cannot comfort us unless His justice permits Him to do so.

God is ETERNAL LIFE, but He can never give that eternal life to anyone unless His justice is satisfied.

We owe God perfect righteousness.
We owe God a perfect life.

The IOU that has been cancelled was an IOU which was totally impossible for any of us to pay.

God is a giver, and God has found a way to cancel that debt without compromising His character.

If you do not understand the grace of God in all of this, you will get involved with “false” and “pseudo” systems of spirituality which are a farce.

The phrase Alleluia is not found in the gospels or in the Church-age.

The phrase “praise the Lord” [piel stem] = to trust Him in an intense way; it does not mean to say “praise the Lord” when you see other believers.

Will you be influenced by doctrine and glorify TLJC as a member of the Royal Family or will you be influenced by evil and become what 1JO 3:10 calls a disciple of the devil or “the stereo-type Christian”?

Doctrinal ministers and ministries are not well liked by other Christians because doctrine always exposes the plastic pseudo stereo-type Christian who lacks individuality and is prey for the popular evangelists.

1. The stereo-type Christian is someone who has personally believed in Christ!
2. He is someone who is totally ignorant of God’s plan as a member of the Royal Family.

3. The stereo-type Christian is someone who has no understanding of God’s plan and therefore substitutes what he assumes or feels must be God’s plan for his life.
4. The stereo-type Christian generally concludes that the goal of the Christian life and spirituality is living moral.

5. The stereo-type Christian assumes that the key to the Christian life is a sweet personality.
6. The stereo-type Christian attends church at least once a week.

7. The stereo-type Christian classifies anyone who is relaxed and enjoys life, especially when being pressured, as being worldly or carnal.
8. The stereo-type Christian regards the mature believer as a fanatic or cultish because he has never heard certain things or certain doctrines.

9. The stereo-type Christian respects the pastor who does not have the time to study because he is too busy hustling around the church.
The sad result is the congregation never really begins to study and learn the plan of God for them as a member of the Royal Family.

10. The stereo-type Christian is always striving to be sweet but behind that facade of sweetness lies his real face of hypocrisy.
11. The average stereo-type Christian is a critic and whatever he does not understand he considers to be wrong.

12. The stereo-type Christian is not usually interested in the sermon except for its length; he wants it to be short.
13. The stereo-type Christian likes a convenient pastor, one who counsels when he needs attention and one who does not offer the challenge of truth!

14. The stereo-type Christian can be easily conned.
15. The stereo-type Christian, being ignorant of God’s plan, is proud, legalistic, self-righteous, and a dropper of spiritual words and phrases.

16. The result of the stereo-type Christian is a total failure in time and at the Bema seat judgment he is going to shrink away in embarrassment.
17. The stereo-type Christian develops mental blocks toward doctrinal teaching, 1TI 4:1; the results are an arrogant subjective believer.

18. The stereo-type Christian can counterfeit an outward righteousness through change of behavior pattern, but he cannot counterfeit an inner change of integrity.
19. The stereo-type Christian likes to use cliché’s or stereo-type holy language, calling the Lord Thee or Thou, calling people brother, and always saying “Praise the Lord.”

20. The stereo-type Christian uses facial expressions which stand for sincerity, such as the intense or serious look.

One thing about Christianity, if you do not get with doctrine after you have been saved for a while, the chances of becoming a weirdo are extremely high.

MAT 4:4 “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
JOB 23:12 “I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth[doctrine] more than my necessary food.”

It is only the grace of God that turns spiritually dead, deep in debt mankind into a noble creature in time for all the angels to see.
It was through the cross that the IOU was cancelled.

Any believer who is so sin conscious and who feels so guilty, unworthy, condemned or ashamed, as far as their relationship with God is concerned, has been blinded by Satan concerning the work of the cross.

HEB 8:12 “For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”
HEB 10:17 “And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

MIC 7:18-19, “Who is a God like thee, who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? Yes you will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”
PSA 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
ISA 38:17c “For You have cast all their sins behind Your back.”

PSA 103:10 “He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.”
PSA 65:3b “As for our transgressions Thou dost forgive them.”
ISA 43:25 “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake [because of My honor and integrity]. Furthermore, I will not remember your sin.”

ROM 4:7-8 “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account.”
ROM 11:27 He will take away our sins...


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 38. Operation footstool began the Triumphal Procession in heaven, which will conclude on earth at the Second Advent.

Friday, February 17, 2006

While God the Father was canceling our debt on the cross (vs 14), the whole satanic system of fallen angels, superior to man, was also being disarmed and neutralized at the cross (vs 15). Satan appealed his first judgment in eternity past and the cross was the place of his second judgment.

“He made a public display” - aor-act-ind - deigmatizo = at a certain point of time He began to make a show of them openly.
Deigmatizo = to display the captives.

Having triumphed - aor-act-part - thriambeuo = to lead a Triumphal Procession or make some kind of a special exhibition.

Operation footstool - began the Triumphal Procession in heaven and will conclude with a Triumphal Procession on earth at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.

A custom in the ancient world after winning a war was to bring the captives back; it was called a Triumphal Procession or a march through the city of Rome.

When TLJC was resurrected three days after the cross, He was on the earth for 40 days and then He ascended to the right hand of the Father.
When TLJC arrived in the presence of the Father, He arrived as the conquering general, and in front of Him Satan and all demons were in the triumphal procession as captives.

The fallen angels went back to their activities because they will be executed at the Second Advent which is Operation Footstool.

When our Lord arrived in heaven He heard that famous quote from God the Father, “Sit down at My right hand till I make your enemies your footstool.”

Never before in history is there anything as important as the baptism of the Spirit which results in the creation of a new spiritual species and the Royal Family of God.

Never before in history is there anything as important as the predesigned protocol plan of the Royal Family of God only.
Never before in history is there anything as important as the phenomenal portfolio of invisible assets which belongs to each one of us as Royal Family of God.

For the first time in history, every believer, regardless of his background, attainments or lack of attainments, handicaps, success, or any other distinguishing human factor, has equality given by God Himself.

Never before in history is there anything as important as our unique royal commissions: royal priesthood and royal ambassadorship.
Never before in history is there anything as important as the unique mystery doctrines of the Church-age.

Never before in history is there anything as important as every member of the Trinity indwelling every believer.
Never before in history is there anything as important as the unique availability of divine power which we all have.

This is the first time in history when there are no prophecies to be fulfilled during the Church-age.
Never before in history is there anything as important as the dispensation of invisible heroes.

SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI = “The glory of this world passes away.”

Point 9. The Importance of the Hypostatic Union.

Hypostatic union = in the person of Jesus Christ are two natures: undiminished deity and true humanity in one person forever.

Sometimes our Lord would say things from His deity only, JOH 8:58.

Then sometimes the Lord would speak from His humanity and not His deity, JOH 19:28.

Jesus Christ had to become perfect humanity to be our Savior, to be our high priest, to be the mediator between God and man, and to fulfill the promise of the Davidic covenant that David’s son would rule forever.

Jesus Christ had to become true humanity and perfect humanity in order to receive the imputation and judgment of our sins on the cross -
1PE 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body [humanity] on the cross,

Jesus Christ had to become true humanity to be the mediator between God and man, JOB 9:2,32-33; 1TI 2:5-6.

JOB 9:1-2 Then Job answered, “In truth I know that this is so, But how can a man be in the right before God?”

JOB 9:32-33 “For He is not a man as I am that I may answer Him, That we may go to court together. There is no umpire between us who may lay his hand upon us both.”
1TI 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

Jesus Christ became true humanity to be our high priest after the pattern of Melchizedek,
HEB 7:4-5,14,28; 10:5, 10-14.

Jesus Christ had to also become true humanity to be a king and rule forever.
He had to be the son of David to fulfill the Davidic covenant to Israel, 2SA 7:8-16; PSA 89:20-37.

The doctrine of the Hypostatic Union is documented in many passages, JOH 1:1-14; ROM 1:2-5; ROM 9:5;1TI 3:16; HEB 2:14; PHI 2:5-11;
1JO 1:1-3.

ROM 1:3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,

HEB 2:14 Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil;

In the dispensation of the hypostatic union, Satan did everything in his power to try to destroy the humanity of Christ through temptation, attempted assassination, and to keep Him from reaching the cross.

1JO 3:8 “The person who keeps on doing the sin [unbelief - JOH 16:9] is from the devil because the devil has sinned from the beginning; and for this purpose, the Son of God has been revealed that He might destroy the works of the devil.”

We have the three unique temptations from Satan to our Lord Jesus Christ during the hypostatic union.

The first one is the temptation to rely on self rather than the ministry of Holy Spirit, MAT 4:1-4, LUK 4:1-4.

The word Jesus, Iesous - Joshua or Savior, is always used for the humanity of Christ; it is not used for His deity!

“Was led up” - aor-pass-ind - ago - passive voice = the humanity of Christ received the action of the verb as a part of evidence testing; He was led by the Holy Spirit.

Satan is allowed a tremendous amount of leeway because spiritual maturity prepares you to take anything in life!

Satan is actually given a tremendous amount of leeway including even taking away health, prosperity, causing misunderstanding and loss of friends, almost any kind of disaster!


Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict. Part 39. In His evidence testing, our Lord Jesus Christ used the greatest power in history, Bible doctrine.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict.
Point 1. Definition.
The angelic conflict is the result of prehistoric creatures being in opposition to God, which began with the fall of Satan and continued until all angelic creatures had made a decision for or against God.

Point 2. The Existence of Rational Creatures.
There are only two categories of rational creatures, angels and humans.

Point 3. When and How the Angelic Conflict Began.
The angelic conflict began after the creation of the earth and before the creation of the human race.

Point 4. The Two Categories of Fallen Angels Under the Command of Satan.
There are operational angels and non-operational angels.

Point 5. Demon attacks during the Church age.
During the Church-age, demon attacks on the unbeliever are limited to two categories: demon possession or demon influence; and on believers demon influence only.

Point 6. The Satanic Plan for Offensive Action in Human History.
Point 7. The Courtroom Trial of the Angelic Conflict.

Point 8. The Strategic Victory of the Angelic Conflict.
The strategic victory of the angelic conflict in human history is our Lord’s humanity being judged for our sins on the cross.

Point 9. The Importance of the Hypostatic Union.
Hypostatic union = in the person of Jesus Christ are two natures, undiminished deity and true humanity in one person forever.

The human nature always remains the human nature and the divine nature always remains the divine nature.
Therefore He is called the God-man.

The doctrine of the hypostatic union is documented in many passages, JOH 1:1-14; ROM 1:2-5; ROM 9:5; 1TI 3:16; HEB 2:14; PHI 2:5-11;
1JO 1:1-3.

ROM 1:3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,
HEB 2:14 Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil;

In the dispensation of the hypostatic union, Satan did everything in his power to try to destroy the humanity of Christ through temptation, attempted assassination, and to keep him from reaching the cross.

1JO 3:8 The person who keeps on doing the sin [unbelief - JOH 16:9] is from the devil because the devil has sinned from the beginning; and for this purpose, the son of God has been revealed that he might destroy the works of the devil.

We have the three unique temptations from Satan to our Lord Jesus Christ during the hypostatic union.

The first one is the temptation to rely on self rather than the ministry of Holy Spirit, MAT 4:1-4, LUK 4:1-4.

The word Jesus, Iesous - Joshua or Savior, is always used for the humanity of Christ; it is not used for His deity!

“Was led up” - aor-pass-ind - ago = the humanity of Christ received the action of the verb as a part of evidence testing, He was led by the Holy Spirit.

Satan is allowed a tremendous amount of leeway because spiritual maturity prepares you to take anything in life!

Satan is actually given a tremendous amount of leeway including even taking away health, prosperity, causing misunderstanding and loss of friends, almost any kind of disaster!

God will not put on us more than what we can bear, 1CO 10:13!

Through residence, function, and momentum in the PPOG under the same power system we have, our Lord’s humanity advanced through the various stages of spiritual adulthood!

JOH 1:14 “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and doctrine.”

In the dispensation of the hypostatic union, when our Lord was here on earth, Satan did everything in his power to try to destroy the humanity of Christ through temptation, attempted assassination, and to keep him from reaching the cross.

The first one is the temptation to rely on self rather than the ministry of Holy Spirit, MAT 4:1-4, LUK 4:1-4.

When a believer reaches spiritual maturity, Satan is permitted by God to cross-examine every witness that God enters into the historical phase of the angelic conflict!

Tempted - peirazo = to make proof of, to test, scrutinize, examine, to try or test one’s faith, virtue, or character by enticement to sin or to act independently of God.

If you do not believe a conflict exists, why was an inferior creature, Satan, allowed to put our Lord through a test?
2CO 2:11 Make sure no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes.

If the humanity of Christ even sins once during this test then He cannot go to the cross and die for the sins of the whole world; therefore, He will not only be tempted like we are but He will be tempted far beyond anyone of us!

HEB 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things, yet without sin.

In evidence testing and the angelic conflict, God the Holy Spirit is not the one who puts us to the test, He is the one who leads us to the test!

JAM 1:13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone.

The devil is the agent who does the cross-examination in evidence testing!

This is Satan’s attempt through cross-examination to discredit those believers who reach spiritual maturity!

The devil opens up with a verbal examination - “Ei huios ei tou Theou” - “If you are the Son of God, and you are”

Will TLJC who has the power to turn the stones into bread use that power and operate independently of the power of the Holy Spirit, or rely on God to meet His needs?

If Jesus Christ used His deity and His own power to satisfy His hunger by turning the stones into bread then He has stepped outside of the PPOG for His life, the power system provided by God the Holy Spirit!

It is committing the same sin that Satan did originally, choosing self-will over God’s will.

By persuading the deity of Christ to act independently of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the function of the PPOG, our Lord in hypostatic union would be acting independently of the plan of God the Father.

Doctrine of kenosis: during the dispensation of the hypostatic union, our Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily restricted the independent use of His divine attributes in compliance with the Father’s plan.